Hurricane Town V4 (you need the game type to play) Download Links HurricaneTownV4 Hurricane Virus This is it... Hurricane town V4 is finally here. After a Slayer map that never took of I turned back to Infection and using the skills I had obtained I made this. The map is much cleaner, there are no cracks in the walls they are interlocked completely. The man-cannons spawn inside the stairs for neatness and it’s a whole lot funner. The game play has changed though... has anybody played Township? Well I know someguy798 (the creator) and I was able to use his main idea and mixed our two maps together into one. The game play and the map come together finely. The basic game play is that you have 2 minuets to run around, find weapons and grenades, and then barricade yourself in a building. After the 2 minuets not only do the zombies come out but the hurricane begins as well, so if your out in the open after the 2 minuets then watch out you can lose your weapons. Don’t spend the time you have to scavenge following your friend around asking where to hide with your plasma pistol. You will be a worthless teammate with your tiny insignificant excuse for a weapon. I’ve seen this happen a few times in the tests I’ve run and it’s annoying. One tip is DO NOT I repeat DO NOT stand near the windows or open doors, along with ALWAYS pay attention, it will spell the end for you if you go get a sandwich while you’re playing. Weapons list There will be no weapons list available. Since my map is for scavenging for weapons I can’t just give away how many there are and what there are, that would ruin the fun! What I will tell you is the important weapons to have with you at all times. These are the best three weapons in this map… Sniper Rifle for blowing off zombies heads while they charge at you unexpectedly, Shotgun (Duh) no reason needed, and the SMG surprisingly one of the most powerful weapons in this map if you use it right. When used at a time when the Shotgun is too slow like when you’re the last man standing and zombies are pouring into your hiding spot, the SMG can clear them out like Windex on window smears. Buildings Each building has a layout of its own, with there pros and cons, I will let you guys find your way around these but ill give some hints. This is the Motel, one of the main buildings, mostly because it looks the coolest and lots of people run into it a lot, causing a lot of zombies to go to the front door and “Knock”. Ill tell you why I like this later. The Convenience store is a nice place to go to. But you’ll find that out when you play. And before you go one posting “Is that a Weapon vault???” no it isn’t! So don’t ask there are only about 2 weapons in it. This is the garage, mostly just a visit search and leave place, but I’ve seen people actually use the mongoose from time to time (all time the people failed so don’t try, its hard to drive in a Hurricane). The residential buildings are pretty simple except for the last which would have to be my favorite, no it’s not full of weapons. Residence 1 Residence 2 Residence 3 This is my favorite for a good reason… do you know? It’s directly across from the motel making for an excellent sniping point, but it’s not as safe for reasons of it being barricaded by a wire spool and not a crate like the other buildings. The zombie spawn is simple, you have a soccer ball in there to play with for the time being or you can invite more people. This is one thing you don’t want to do. Guy with a plasma pistol thinking he’s smart… Zombies are free now… Guy with the plasma pistol is the first to die… Now I’m not saying to do this with a shotgun and not a plasma pistol just don’t do it at all. It’ll spell your death. Special thanks go’s to Someguy798, S4plgun, and St4lguns friend who’s name I forget. It was hard to figure out what to use on the streets and what to use in buildings. but it all worked out nicely thank you.
i'm really glad that you finally made V4, i really liked playing on this despite the fact that a falling dumpster trapped me in a building alone, when i was infected... lol thats why it's hurricane town! lol! nice job orbital 10009743214789324.99032 / 5
Just looks like township and hurricane katrina mixed together, nice map though. I might wanna check out the other maps, because this seems very similar or the same to the other hurricane town.
pretty good but i dont like how u just made the boundaries look too decorative i men u could just place double boxes and stuff down, it doesnt make a difference
What do you mean? are you saying that this looks like my other maps? or that you think someone ealse made Hurricane town, eathir one you ment to say this is much different and more organised then hurricane town V3 or im the one to invent Hurricane town. Wait are you being sarcastic?... i dont know anymore. and it does make a difference, sloppy and neat are very different. Dont worry the new version has pleanty of "speacil" effects and asthetics.
sexy dude v3 was great and this seems to be a vast imporvment this looks and feels better than v3, much cleaner and the old was lacking and this is filling was a good idea to interlock the 2 gametypes and map (lol) mabey flip the bridges and add some extra speacil effects?
Interesting very interesting me likie seems like it would be exactly what infection is supposed to be about I like barracading and I like the structures, it adds a town'ish feel to the map My only concern is the fence box wall all the way to the right.... it seems like it would be easy to get out of? Am i wrong? EDIT: NVM on the escapability downloaded btw
hey that guy was smart! he was the second to last guy to die! Rofl... that was me. well i loved this map when we where testing it. it's a lot of fun to collect wepons and then baricade your self in a building. although i hated it when you stole my sniper every time! well great good on the map and posting it!
Another hurricane. Looks like the best yet, I love it! I will defintily download it and play it with my friends =] !!!! 5/5.
er, I think it's just me, but when I click on the link that should take me to the map, it takes me to the gametype instead.....while the gametype link still takes me to the gametype anyway
This ;looks like a pretty nice map first time ive seen it obviously i missed 1 2 ND 3 but i made it just in time for the finall one... well this is first time i haz seen hurricane map with out it being dodge things the zombie box is creative... maybe a bit more interlocking on ur next map... looks neat nice map seems like it would be fun for a big party too... i wish i would have causght the slayer map u made nice job 4/5 on originality 4/5 total... nice work
He's right, you should fix that Um, how many rounds is the gametype set to? I'm just asking because 2 minutes for Zombies to wait before they can even go running seems a bit lengthy. I don't think I could spend 2 minutes amusing myself with a soccer ball, especially if there's more than one round. Also, the Humans seem a bit spoiled to have 2 minutes to scavenge for weapons. I mean after the first round they will know where to go and have 2 minutes to hide on top of that, maybe tone down the wait times to make things more even.
Indeed you are my friend, the only players that could get out would be the zombies and im not sure why you would want to get out of the map at all, they spawn on the roofs and in back allys so get in a building. the Link has been fixed so stop yer complainin, Yarg Umm there are Six rounds and the zombies are set to random, two minuets goes by very fast when looking for weapons and you have just enough time to hide in a building, trust me youll know when you play it.
haha! yet another, yet another! from the beginning versions to v4, i have downloaded them all. great man, this map is fun and keeps the map changing and sometimes makes for great splatters. of course, a dl.