Dune Race (Click here!) Features a bridge/jump over the middle gully, starting lights, 3 natural dune jumps and a jump off the cliff that goes over part of the tracks. Full description: The race starts of at the end of the structure on the side with the double tower. You spawn by seven mongooses. Get on one and wait for the starting light to turn blue. When it's blue you start diving along the structure towards the middle gully. The holes have been blocked off so you can drive over them. when you reach the gully you can choose one of three ways of getting over. A bridge runs through the middle and grav lifts are positioned on either side. All three ways get you over. After you're across go between the towers. If you do fall you have to go inside the structure and come out by the elephant. After coming out of the tower or structure go up into the mine field. Take a left and exit the mine field by the cliff. Continue driving under the cliff until you go up a dune jump and then another. Keep following the track and go back into the mine field near the pelican. Turn right and start dring through the mine field to the top of the cliff jumping over another dune along the way. At the top of the cliff turn right and into the double grav lift off the edge and through the objective. You will fly over part of the track you raced on earlier and land at the start of the gully. Drive into the gully and turn right past the big grav lifts. After passing the second big grav lift turn left and then left again to take you back to the start. Rules: -If you fall off the bridge you MUST go through the structure. That is your penalty for falling. -Follow the track. Don't take any shortcuts. -If you do miss the objective for some reason you may backtrack a little. Tips: -Don't fall into the gully. You'll lose valuable time. -Try not to flip in the mine field otherwise you might die or your mongoose will blow up. Screenshots: Picture Slideshow Start Point + Lights Picture of Bridge coming soon. Under the Bridge Mine Field Area 1 Dune Jump 1 Dune Jump 2 Dune Jump 3 Picture of Cliff Jump + Objective coming soon Other race tracks by Masta Blastr: The Highway Island Race Feedback: Please, if you are going to rate this leave a post below describing why you rated what you rated. If I can get a bunch of comments it will make future maps of mine better and better. Thank You! Gametype location: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=13422737 Join our RaceTracks Group http://www.bungie.net/fanclub/125611/Group/GroupHome.aspx This map is found in our Forge database: http://www.bungie.net/fanclub/144854/Group/GroupHome.aspx
This is a perfect example of how to post a map. You covered all the key points and went even past that. 6/5 Great Job.
Seems everyone here is giving this map good feedback, ill check it out too, see what all the fuss is about.