Retaliation Created by i is greeks Preview: --. Foundry Supported Gametypes: Assault Capture the Flag Infection Juggernaut King of the Hill Oddball Territories VIP Custom Gametype(s) Story: Before the war against the Covenant began, before the Spartan project, these bases were made to hide parts of the Arc. Marines were sent in to defend each base against any attackers, but after waiting for years with no attacks the marines started to attack each other. Now one final set of Spartans are now sent in to take control. Defend your base, its time to retaliate. Description: -NOTE!- If you watch the video, I suggest you watch it in High Quality so that it looks nicer, and runs smoother. Also, even though you can't see the merging and interlocking in the pictures there is merging with some parts of the floors in the bases. Two bases on each side of Foundry, that look similar to the Blood Glutch bases. Each base has a ramp to go up one floor, and on that floor there are two staircases that go up to the top floor. In the middle of the map is a small hill. On the side closest to the garage doors, there a tunnel on each side that leads up to one center area. On the other side there is a small building that can help suppress fire while walking around. The map uses object merging and object floating. Weapons, Equipment, & Vehicles: Rocket Launcher x1 (45 second respond) Shotgun x1 (60 second respond) Plasma Riffle x1 Energy Sword x1 (60 second respond) Brute Shot x2 (Low ammo) Carbine x2 Double SMG x2 Battle Riffle x2 Magnum x2 Needler x2 Assault Riffle x2 Sniper Riffle x2 (Low ammo) Double Plasma Grenades x2 Double Frag Grenades x2 Bubble Shield x1 Trip Mine x2 Power Drain x1 Double Mongooses x2 Warthog x2 Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Base A Base B Side View 1 Side View 2 Eagle Eye 1 Eagle Eye 2 Download Retaliation
My friends and I just played this and we all agreed that it is a fun map to play on, we also liked the weapon placement, overall this was a fun map 5/5
Looks very clean although there is not interlocking or geomerging whatsoever that I can see. Capture the flag could be really fun on this map but you are going to have too add more cover throughout the open parts of the map.
Thanks for downloading, and your comment! I'm glad you guys liked it! Hopefully this wont end up being a double post but... Even though you can't see the merging and interlocking in the pictures there is merging with some parts of the floors in the bases. Also, I am definitely going to add more cover for the next version of the map.
Like the idea! On the downside I don't see much interlocking; not that no interlocking is a bad thing, but it would make a great addition to your map. 3/5
Ok, but before you get an infraction, I would add that post to the one above. You can edit your posts. I didnt see much of the interlocking but Im sure as you said there is some inside. Im not trying to sound negative, this is a nice map
I should probably go take some pictures of the merging and interlocking because there is merging and interlocking on the map. But thanks for the comment and compliment on my map.
Very nice map, but with some more cover it could be Great. Do you know when you might be releasing a version 2?
Though the layout seems very basic the map actually looks fun, ill download and try it out, it could use more though.
To Reply to Phoenix619: Thanks for the comment! I plan on adding more cover and objects to version 2 this week so version 2 will most likely be out in two weeks at the latest. To Reply to Dyepb07: Thanks for commenting and downloading! Also I will be adding more soon.
welll the interlocking was pretty good but u have to interlock in all directions not just 2 sides all four... but the video was really good not for sure i liked how they pointed out all the weapons... the bases and all look REALLY GOOD i would put something more in them tho... more in the middle and a little eye candy... like oversheilds and custom power ups in the walls :> or something... looks good othewr than that weapon layout is a 4/5 might have overdone the POWER... but that is typical... nice job 4/5
The bases look great and everything is very clean and smooth. I'd suggest adding some more cover to the central area. I think this is a great start to a map and I hope that you decide to improve it. I look forward to the next version. keep forgin!
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions everyone! I hope you have fun on the map if you download it!
Wow looks nice a very good map 5/5, i really like the aesthetics, aslo i think the gamplay is very good. Nice job on making it syymetrical definitly added on to the map. I really liked the two towers. Also the videos great, i luv how you made it pause and name the weeapon that contributed alot. Great video. Map reviewer: Overall:5/5 Gamplay:5/5 Aesthetics: 4/5 Symmetrical:4/5 Video: 5/5 Nice job
Um I dunno if all the pictures were up yet when you guys posted but you can see a lot of interlocking in the floors (bridges) of the bases... Also, I would suggest geomerging that centre corner wall so that you can walk smoothly up and down it, instead having to jump. Cover is a must or those snipers will tear apart anyone left in the open. Try and build a more complex/bigger centre structure (to possibly connect the two side bases although that isn't necessary)
My map seems to be getting a lot of good reviews, thanks everyone! I will definitely using the suggestions for the next version.
the bases are to closed off need more intrances, or becomes to campable, the boxes should be flipped on the ramp and the entrance bridgees need to be flipped the center looks like a slaughter field, needs more cover mabey not horizontal as much as over your head cover
Inside the base there really isn't any place to add another entrance but I'll try to see if I can make a way to do that. I don't know what boxes your talking about that need to be flipped because the only boxes that are in the right direction are open boxes you can go into. The head cover idea is actually something I didn't think about so thank you for that idea! All in all, thanks for the comment and suggestions!
I watched the video and I'll definately download. Overall, the map looked very clean and smooth, despite the minimum interlocking. Like everyone else as has said, and as I will say to for the point of emphasis, more cover would be nice. Perhaps maybe if you also slightly geo-merged the corner walls in the field, it'd make that particular area run smoother. Overall, 4/5. Sweet, man.