Debate Animal Cruelty

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KB, Sep 16, 2008.

  1. KB

    KB Ancient
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    It has risen to my attention that the subject of Animal Cruelty would be a great debate subject. Please post your thoughts on these following questions:

    What is your stand on Animal Cruelty?

    And how severely do you think the culprits of this crime should be punished?

    Do you think laws are too strict or too harsh on this subject?

    These are just a few questions to get a debate going.

    My stand on it is that it needs more attention. Things get bypassed very easily without the law taking any interaction.
    Animal Cruelty needs to be stopped. People who commit these crimes should face severe punishment.
    I am no "hippie" but it sickens me to see and think of such cruelty.
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    This is going to be hard to get going. Who is going to stand up for being cruel to animals. If there are any Pro-Cruelty people out there please prove me wrong.

    Here are some questions that might spark some conversation:

    1. Should dog/**** fighting be illegal?

    2. Is there ever a time you should hit your dog?

    3. Is is right to keep your dog outdoors in a dog house?

    4. Should any pet be kept in a cage?

    5. Is it wrong to keep fish in a tiny glass bowl?

    6. Is horseback riding animal cruelty?
  3. Commander Xillian

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    I personally believe that when a person injurs an animal with mal-intent, he should not be alowd to adopt, or have any sort of right, to own a pet or animal. that is my take for punishment. f they already do that, then whoopy.
  4. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Yes! Making animals fight each other through the starvation of the is totally wrong!

    Never! The dog usually does not know better. A simple and stern "no" usually can do the trick.

    If the conditions are good and you still keep the dog in good care yes. Sometimes you cannot avoid that if you have someone with allergies in your family
    Ooooh.... toughie.... I would have to say no. If you are going to keep a pet, I think that the conditions of it being your pet should be better than what it had in the wild. If you capture a bird and stick it in a tiny cage, I think that is wrong in a way. Sure you may be taking care of it but I think it needs to be free to roam and fly.

    Not wrong but yes cruel. To contain a creature in such a small container is kind of harsh. I think that it limits the fish's freedom by far and doesn't give it room to live and make a home and all.

    This could be taken two ways. If you are talking about competitive as in the Kentucky Derby, yes. If the horse is not a winner, it is usually killed. They push there horses too hard which leads to many injuries. If it is just casual like a hobby, I do not think that it is that bad. If you take your horse out to ride around and casually jump a few hurdles, that is most definetly fine.
  5. Caboose 702

    Caboose 702 Ancient
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    1. Should dog/**** fighting be illegal?


    2. Is there ever a time you should hit your dog?

    I've slapped my dog on the nose before, but it didn't harm him physically, and I know it didn't mentally scar him. My dog is big, and doesn't always pay attention to what I say. If he isn't listening to me of course I'm going to tap his nose to get his attention.

    But beating your dog is different then slapping. People should never beat their dogs. It causes mental unstability with dogs, and if a dog is continually beaten it may attack not only the owner, but anyone around it as well. Plus it's just mean beating up on an animal.

    3. Is is right to keep your dog outdoors in a dog house?

    I'd say no.

    4. Should any pet be kept in a cage?

    small rodents and lizards. They have no concept of "freedom" they aren't that smart. all they know is that there is a boundry that they can't cross.

    5. Is it wrong to keep fish in a tiny glass bowl?

    No, just like rodent's and lizards they have no concept of freedom

    6. Is horseback riding animal cruelty?

  6. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I'm going against animal abuse. We may own them, but we own them so we can take care of them. We don't own them for our own personal enjoyment. They keep us company, the comfort us, why should we ever hurt them?
  7. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
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    Because dogs speak English...
  8. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I summon you Devils Advocate. Sort of...

    No. A dog doesn't speak English. A dog can hear sounds but he only understands what that sound comes from. For example, he will hear a cat meow but won't understand what it means. He'll hear the no, but won't what it means but he will know a human made noise.

    For most animals on Earth, over 75% of communication is through body lainguage and tone. Very obvious on the internet. The same with dogs. Hearing a stern 'no' will do nothing. He doesn't understand the tone or sound. That's like if someone posted with no writing.

    It's perfectly fine. A dog has gone through evolution to be able to survive outdoors. A dog house usually has good conditions. If it's in bad condition, it's very easy to patch up.

    I'd have too say yes for birds and fish. If a bird flies away, you'll never see it again, unless it's trained, and then you've just lost a pet.

    On fish, where else are you going to keep it?

    All things considered, it's a very good deal for the fish. He has his bowl of water that will always be there. No fear of pedators and a constant supply of food without competing with the other fish.

    If the horse is kept alive after the competition, it's fine.
  9. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
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    *Hi-Five* I agree for the most part I just didn't feel like typing to much so I limited it to the obvious point about dogs not speaking English.
  10. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I think it is just sick to be cruel to animals. If you are going to be cruel, at least do it to a human, so at least they know what is going on.
  11. God Of Forge

    God Of Forge Ancient
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    1. Should dog/**** fighting be illegal?

    2. Is there ever a time you should hit your dog?

    3. Is is right to keep your dog outdoors in a dog house?

    4. Should any pet be kept in a cage?

    5. Is it wrong to keep fish in a tiny glass bowl?

    6. Is horseback riding animal cruelty?

    1. It should most definitely be illegal. Why would starving animals until they are willing to tear each other apart ever be legal?

    2. Erm, if it's attacking someone/thing.

    3. It's better than a cell in an abandoned pet shelter.

    4. Unless it attacks or completely ruins things, no.

    5. lol, I would love to be kept in a tiny glass bowl. Not to mention fish don't really get bored.

    6. To a horse, we're like a small backpack. I don't see how it would be cruelty.
  12. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    I think it is over looked and that people should get their animals taken away... i think things should be punished more than they are... only problem is how do we find culprits... and im not a hippie either n am not a vegan either... but i agree w/ this
  13. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    1. Should dog/**** fighting be illegal?
    Yes, its so should be illegal, you should go to jail for at least 10-20 years for doing this, if a dog is killed life!

    2. Is there ever a time you should hit your dog?
    Hmm, for training wise a simple pat on the backside to teach him something is ok, but now if you are abusing your powers and hurting him.

    3. Is is right to keep your dog outdoors in a dog house?
    I really dont like it, but if the weather is perfect and the dog likes it out there, sure why not

    4. Should any pet be kept in a cage?
    No, give your pet the space he/she needs

    5. Is it wrong to keep fish in a tiny glass bowl?
    I have two fish tanks, both over 100 gallons, just so I can give the fish room, idk about this one.. If its a beta I guess but its cruel

    6. Is horseback riding animal cruelty?
    Ok, we do not yet know if its hurting the animal, if it is, its cruelty and should be banned. If not its ok to horse back ride

    Also, I have created a thread about putting dogs down for killing, from being told by there master.
    Click Here

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