
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by buddhacrane, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    Looks really awesome and obviously you worked your butt off on this map. The level of cleanness, creativity (beacon), and probably gameplay is definately feature worthy. ill forge through and get back to you on this. and really 50?
  2. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    This is one of the best maps I have ever seen!
    I... am... running out of words...

  3. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Your map has tunnels in it... tunnels=epic win!

    I really appreciate the time that must have gone into building this, nothing is flat and everywheregoes somewhere. Geo-merging is everywhere, and it's perfect. It takes me a month to geo-merge an open double box alone.

    Finally I would like to say i's very interesting how you cut off foundry half way, I'm positive I've never seen that before.

    5/5 epic winzors
  4. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Yes, really, actually more! (Lolz, try counting them all!)

    I'm glad you all seem to have appreciated the time and dedication that went into designing and building this. This really was the last map that I was able to give such commitment to.

    That's not to say I don't have other projects in the works, they just aren't getting the same level of care now that I haz 9-5 job.
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I remember you saying how disappointed you were at some spam comments you'd received, well that sort of gave me a want to play and post to show you that not everyone assumes things about maps or lies about downloading. If I say I will download and play your map then rest assured I will, not speedily but I will when I can. Which I did... So here's my post for Corruption.

    It’s a beautiful contrast from your previous maps. I do hope you don’t give up on competitive maps as this is a masterpiece of forging delight.
    The contrast in gameplay is one feature that really makes this map unique.

    So where should I begin? Layout. The way how it’s so easy to get across the middle in seconds is great, and how a false jump can screw you and you have to fight your way through the tunnel. Indeed the tunnels are inviting and deadly, several times I can remember luring someone in then turning around and surprising them with the Mauler, or Plasma Rifle. The tunnels are so complementing to the maps gameplay and set a different pace of play than that of the others area of the map. When atop the tunnels, the player leaves themselves very open and prone to damage, that was great for gameplay and the choice of having the camo sitting where it is, brilliant. The camo really adds to the fun of the map, probably the most useful of all equipment on the map. To grab the camo and either surprise someone in the tunnel or rush to the other side for either the regenerator or rocket. With a properly executed throw, the power drain is devastating, and the tunnels help to combat that by running in, in an attempt to save one’s self.

    *Starts a new paragraph to avoid a wall of text.*

    The needler is a nice fit for Corruption. It’s close to useless when in the tunnels but when sitting up top on the bridge or just above the tunnels it can be an excellent tool to help pick those few extra kills. Regenerators were more so a novelty item, I shall get into that a bit further down. Although its near impossible to do this but I felt that the AR is actually a nice fit for the map, it’s a mid-range map and it’s a mid-range weapon. But that still doesn’t cancel out AR spam, yes there isn’t as much as there is in other maps but it’s still there, but the great thing is that it doesn’t ruin or affect the flow of gameplay. Not the greatest BR map but the BR still gets some nice kills down, the tunnels are what make the BR weaker. Same goes with the carbine. Best use to get out of these weapons is to go for the guy on the opposite side or to take down the guy hanging around up top with the rocket. Nades were great on this map, when sitting in the top base on either side, your best offense is normally grenades. As opponents can go behind the wall and lobbing a couple well placed grenades really helps clean them out.

    The man cannon regen thing was a nice touch but I felt it was a bit of a novelty. This is probably because I’m yet to play CTF, in CTF I can see the regenerator playing a big role. But as far as FFA goes, using the regen to get up there is a bit of a waste as the base doesn’t offer much other than some cover. So perhaps adding a grenade or two or a BR or something there may spice up that spot for FFA.

    The edge strip was also a good spot for either needler or BR/Carbine. Fairly open but providing a simple escape route/s. The weapon holders on top of the fusion coils wasn’t needed but it really helps the feel of the map. It gives it a touch of class, as do the merged weapon holders. Practical no, Attractive yes.

    Rocket was devastating. So it was a smart choice to give it no extra clips. It was very useful in all areas but best suiting in its own spawn. Which is something not pulled off well in other maps. A power weapon spawning in its prime position that works extremely well. So I applaud you on that feature.

    The use of Power-ups as scenery I don't think was really needed, though it is a call out spot for competitive gameplay and doesn’t really affect the map. Power-ups in walls or boxes are used a lot in maps so there’s nothing really new or amazing there but you’ve also put them in the foundry wall. That’s something that hasn’t been done often before so nice work there.

    It’s a beautifully made map, its defining feature is its contrast in gameplay.
    It has earned itself a long stay on my hard drive.
  6. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Thank you so much for the detailed review!

    I'm impressed with how well you picked up on the main feature I was trying to create, which is the contrast, or versatility in gameplay. For such a small map it was difficult to create that fealing.

    I'm glad you think the mix of equipment was well balanced, since there are quite a few for the map's size. I tried to ensure it was never over-crowded with equipment by varying the respawn times and making it so that the power drainer and regenerator did not appear at the beginning of the round.

    The power drainer can indeed be quite devastating. It works well though because it won't affect you through a wall, so if it's thrown on the upper part, you won't be affected in the tunnels, and vice versa. Also you can't go for it at the beginning of the game.

    The needler is quite good in the "wall" as well, because it's a long stretch of narrow tunnel where you cannot strafe away from the needles, ka:punch:

    The BR is indeed only useful in certain scenarios and locations but that was exactly the point. I didn't want the BR or Carbine to be useful in every situation on this map, because I personally never liked it that people would just stick with that weapon the whole time and not try any of the others. With the layout of this map it makes it very tricky to dominate just using the BR, but the weapon isn't completely pointless either.

    The nades are indeed effective on this map, which is why I've only put a few on the map and with 30s respawns, I didn't want the map to be reduced to constant nade spamming. Plus the fact that alot of the weapons are duels (and duel weilding is actually useful on this map) it also helps to reduce the use of nades.

    The man-cannon regen thing is really just a novelty extra, an after-thought to the general "Beacon" concept. It is more useful in CTF, but only slightly.

    The idea of those top bits are sort've similar to "the Pit", the idea is that they're a fairly safe place to spawn but there are no weapons up there so you can't just stay up there and camp and there's no way back up. Of course, just like "The Pit" there is infact a way back up, you just have to know how ;). That top bit was neccessary on a map this size to ensure that there were enough places to spread out the spawns so that no one spawned to close to one another in all the different gametypes. Trying to make the spawns fair in FFA and Team games is an absolute pain.

    The regenerator itself though can be very useful. It's most useful place to be used is on the bridge. Hanging around on the bridge with a regen and BR/Carbine can rack you up some kills if people are stupid enough to venture out into the open.

    It's also funny, when fighting in the bases, to just chuck down your regen and confuse the hell out of everybody as you all start bouncing around in the air, can be a good disorientation tactic to briefly confuse your enemy.

    The weapon holders were on the fusion coils becase I didn't want them being moved around too much. Where they're positioned is a good spot to balance out that upper strip so that there isn't too much of a height advantage. They just add an extra risk factor to that strip.

    The rocket is meant to be the devastating weapon of choice. The idea being you just quickly grab it and earn yourself a couple of kills, making that bridge a highly prized piece of real-estate. Most people bottle-neck in the wall to try and get up there, but what few realise, is there is another way to reach that bridge with a tactical jump.

    Of course the rocket is not such a great power weapon in the tunnels. So that's why the other power weapon on the map is the mauler, situated in the centre of the tunnels. Naturally the mauler is not so great in the open. So you have two power weapons that are used for the two main styles of the map, open and closed, and are located in those respective areas.

    The powerups in the wall were just for the overall aesthetics, like the weapon holders. To generally improve the look of the map, so it all has character, without going over-board and looking cluttered.

    So thank you again for the detailed review, I enjoyed the read and I'm glad you took the time to analyse the gameplay mechanics and comment on the different aspects of the map.
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    No comments in over a week, madness!

    Onto your respose, buddhacrane, to my post.

    You pretty much reiterated and agreed with what I said so I am glad I picked up on what you were trying to accomplish in this map. I still have this on my Hard Drive althouhg I am still yet to play CTF on it. Recently each time I'd be leader I'd test my map. and past few days others have been leader and controlled what we played. I'll get around to CTF on Corruption eventually.

    I really did get a feeling of the Pit when in those areas. It did have a very strong feel when playing on it and not of Foundry. Whoo!

    The merged powerups and the use of weapon holders was quite ingenious. As you said and I agree with it did help it look neat and clean.

    With these new and strict rules I can see people in the future resorting to shameless and blatent bumping. I am glad you did not attempt this on Corruption. So I thought I would as in my opinion it is a truly great map.

    Bumped for great justice
  8. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    Wow. This took you a month!? I heard that Distortion only took you 1 day. This must be good. And there are weapon holders under the map? I've always thought of geo-merging a weapon holder but havn't been able to do it. If you beat me to it, I will be one sad panda.
    I have to download this and see how well it plays. I shall get a large party together and then put feedback.
  9. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Thanks Linu. Yeah I avoid bumping my own maps, at least excessively, even when a map of mine is dying. I figure that if the map is any good people will give it the attention it deserves.

    To be honest it's nice to know it's not just receiving esxcessive press just because I'm a Premium. Infact where are all the Staff/Loyal/Premium comments that a Premium normally receives!? (lulz)

    Yes it's true Distortion did only take me a day and this took me several months. Distortion was a novelty map, this is actually a map that I spent ages designing and building to create a good competitive experience, whilst still trying to give it a style of its own.

    The weapon holders are under the map but I didn't geo-merge them persay. I forced them under the map and then pushed them against the floor from underneath the map so that they poked out slightly (It's easier than it sounds)

    The hardest items to geo-merge were the single open boxes along the centre of the map and the double boxes in the corners at the bases (fun times)
  10. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    We still need to play a few games on here. I've played a few myself. But it was like once and it went by real fast. Maybe if we can gather together some people that have seen/played this map before then I can come up with one of my epic map reviews for you. ;)
  11. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
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    This map looks really well designed. 50 geo-merged objects is pretty cool and I dont think I'll find many flaws considering it took you a MONTH to make it. Good job cant wait to see your next map! 5/5
  12. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    When I first saw this map I was like...Woah!!!. This map for me has great gameplay, great design, originality, and great aesthetics. A fun 2v2 map indeed. The 1 month you took to make this map really paid off because this is one of the best 1v1/2v2 maps that I have ever seen here on Forgehub. Good job.
  13. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    One question: Is this featured yet? Seriously, this definitely should get featured. It is filled with creativity and forge skills.
    Fun to play, i could spent hours just looking at it.
    Thats not a joke!
  14. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    This map looks incredible. Great job with the interlocking and geomerging. Fantastic layout and very creative. A definate DL!
  15. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    I'm DLing this right now, I want to find the 'secret' the first few people were talking about. And are the walls in the second pic merged with the ground? That's dope, I've never been able to figure out how to do that
  16. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Whoops. I totally forgot to reply to these comments!

    Hopefully replying in under a week isn't too bad....

    What I really like is that people aren't just giving one-line feedback/comments anymore. It's nice to see people at least taking some time to provide a real reply.

    The "Secret" Is to do with the "Beacons". Normally they only effect grenades. But throw a Regenerator on them and you'll find they do more than just lift grenades off the ground (Handy trick for getting up to the top spawn ledge or making it difficult for the enemy in CTF, or just generally distracting everyone)
  17. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    aaaaw buddha you gave it away you.... but seriously i think you should make a V2 and fix that single open box, then it would definetly be feature-worthy...

    p.s. i figured out how to get on the bridge using tacti-jump!!!(not really figured out more like i finally got it right a couple of times in succesion )
  18. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    That one single open box will never go properly flat. Trust me I spent over a day trying. I even had other people give it a go, to no avail. It's just in a bad place for geo-merging (geo-merging "hot spot" I call it)

    Well done for finding the tactical jump to the rocket bridge. That was placed in on purpose for those that can do it. It's a good shortcut to the rockets or to surprise enemies on the bridge that assume you'll only be coming through the "back alley". Have to practice them l33t jumping skillz though!
  19. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    This map looks really pro. I mean the forging skills are simply mind blowing. Every structure is well built and very complex! Nice job 4.5/5 from me good forge skills!!!
  20. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    This is sweet 5/5. I,m DL even tho my xbox is broke.

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