ok now if you havent seen v1 go here http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/33146-criss-crossfire.html Now for v2 go here http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/34853-crisscrossfire-v2.html Ok this may be the best edit to the map i can make and i tested it with my friends and they said it was a huge improvement a couple even said it played like a mini mlg map. It is set up for 1v1 or 2v2 slayer and 2v2 to 3v3 CTF Updated weapons list x4 SMG's x1 carbine x1 mauler x4 Br x8 plasma grenades x4 frag grenades x1 bubble shield x2 spikers Ok so the major changes this time are the bases which are given more cover Also, the next biggest change is the fence wall walkway say goodbye to it because it will miss you. And lastly is.... The sniper? oh wait thats right theres a carbine there what was i thinking. Download link Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Please enjoy and criticizm will not be taken so strongly as it was in the other maps And also if you like small maps or creating small maps be sure to join this group Forge Hub Halo Forums - Foundry mini-arena Forgers Oh and last but not least here is a sneak preview of my next map called convection
the map looks great. looks like therees some better changes, and my friends and i agreed that it played pretty well too. 4/5
I like the map. Exellent interlocking and nice aesthetics. This is a big improvement from the original.
I like it, i have played it before and me and my friends agreed that the map is well made and has a good overall playability. Nice interlocking too. We also agreed that it could use a shotgun. But thats just us
I think i like v.2 better but the sniper leaving thats sad to see i dont see why it had to go :< but okay... the foundry designer confused me i couldnt see ur map in it lol... but it looks good nvr the less... i like the interlocking.. .geomerging is nice.. it looks really good the needed cover is here in v3 and the layout is just as good as alway... loooks really nice good job keep forging
the sniper proved to have one too many spawn kill matches and i decided that it would be best for it to go. and thank you i worked hard to get the cover just right
I think that the removal of the sniper is a little sad but I love carbines! The great thing about carbines is that noone thinks you'll actually kill them with a "pathetic weak carbine" so as soon as they are reloading their AR's BAM! =). I think all the changes made to this map are great! well done sir, make more maps!
oh i will make more maps the foundry designer pics are a sneak preview to my next map so study it you might have the upperhand when playing
i think this is better than v2 but i still think v1 is better, the bases cooler, teh setup better only proplem was sniper shotty right next to eachother plase bring back v1 with spaced power weapons and more cover for the bases
im actually thinking of bringing back 1 now that you mention it. ill try to incorporate as many as the changes as i can while imk editing it but still keep the structures relativly the same maybe ill call it crisscrossfirev1.5? what do you think?