Yeah, I belong to and we make our own boxarts for our favorite games and share it with the community. I just wanted to show you fellow forger's my newest box artDDD full size: [img width=800 height=495][/img]
Thanks everyone! Glad you guys liked it. No, I actually made that template myself, I used a ruler and measure it out myself. Haha, at least I hope I got the size's right. Butttt... you don't have to have xbl to be able to use forge! xbl just makes it more fun
Man, YOU should have designed the real box art. On the real case he's just standing there with a gun. Come on MC, strike a pose. Geez.
This looks great! MUch better than the real boxart, IMO. Nice job! Maybe you should make a Forge-themed box, for us ForgeHubbers?
should of used spell check for the back of the case. "You are spartan 117 tha master cheif." theres a lot more to. XD but yes, it really looks good.