How did you hear about forgehub?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by NinjaKiwi621, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Shad0w & I played COD4 (That's how we met, awwww) for the longest time, then he was like "dood, you haz to get Halo Map Packzorz" and I was like "dood, but teh money..." I eventually got the map pack (In like...3, and we got to playing some Halo. Eventually, we worked on Foundry, and came up with a few maps, that no one shall ever download, or lay foot on >:} "Ups & Downs" (Mine) & "Tower of Babel" (Shad0w's). They were, I think I put Ups & Downs here on forgehub. Which brings me to how I found forgehub.

    Shad0w inspired me to forge through means of this website. I think it was The whyher's map "Tension" that inspired me to start forging religiously...Damn you whyher...

    Anyways, no regrets here, I <3 FH.
  2. V

    V Ancient
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    I remember watching TDF's 'My Will Be Done' off of Bungie Faves (back when they were good) and looked on his service record to see if there was anything else worth seeing. A while later, I saw the link to forgehub's word press on a page about TDF and I became a casual reader of the word press. I never got around to actually join I usually only had time to check the word press for little interesting articles before heading off to school or football or basketball. Later on, when I had more time on my hands, I got hooked on forging, and went to revisit the wordpress only to see that the little wordpress I grew accustomed to had blossomed into this wonderful website and I finally said "That's it I gotta join this." And I did! My only regret is that I didn't join sooner around the time this website got going.......oh well.....
  3. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    i looked up halo maps on google, found it, visited it regularly from december through january, and decided to join later.
  4. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Played a random custom game with asper and xxxmasterofxxx, then, i joined like a mont afterwards.
  5. cB fROm aK

    cB fROm aK Ancient
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    I remember perfectly. The forge hub had just come out with a map on Last resort called "Storm the Beach" I tried it and, I was amazed. I saw some of their creations afterwards, and they continued to amaze me, and i joined up on this website to learn more about how they did it.
  6. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Through Linubidix (we go to school together). One day I was playing Lone Wolves (I think) and I was talking to him via private chat, while I was saying something along the lines of Forge he mentioned that he found a site called forgehub and it had some epic maps on it. At the time I had no idea what you could do in forge, I personally thought that it was really boring. But after my lone wolves match he sent me a invite to show me a map on foundry, I think it was macchu picchu (not sure how to spell it). At the time I didn't see that it had geo-merging and I thought it was one of the worst maps in the world. Now I think that it's a amazing map.

    That's how I found out about forgehub.
  7. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    read a forge guide by weremidget,in the places aloud to post was here came to check,insantly found a place in my favorites
  8. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    One of my friends his name is like superduper or something like that. He was obsessed with forging but didnt know how to interlock and all that. Ya but he gave me a link to download a map, and then it sent me here. I decided to check the placec out. I think 1 or 2 months later I registered
  9. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    0 forums. The person said that you had to go to "" for the full thread. So I went, curious as I am. And whadda ya know! Here I am!
  10. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I had heard about Forge Hub ages ago but didn't really care. Then I saw pallet parade. =P.
  11. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    I first saw forgehub when they posted it on the front page of I liked forge so I decided to check it out. It had some awesome maps so I came to the sight virtually every day for around three or four months until I finally decided to join in June. I really wish I had joined back all those long months ago. So much missed time.

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