Day by day rendering of a new magic: the gathering picture [Day 2] I thought this would be an interesting project to do, and i loved this picture so much that i thought i would commit a whole thread to it. I promise that this is the last thread about rendering, and if i make any more, il post them in the recources thread, or i will create an archive for them. My rendering technique used to be using the magnetic lasso tool to just select the whole person. I tried it on this one, and it didnt work too well, so i am going to do this, pixel by pixel. Any tips for rendering would be greatly appreciated. Anyways, what i will be doing is a day-by-day posting of pictures as i create the renders. because of schoolwork and my cross country, i don't have much time to do this, maybe an hour a night, give or take some thirty minutes to an hour (yeah i wont be on some nights). Tonight i just got the idea for the project, so its a very very basic redering as you will see. anyways, here goes for the pictures; Original Image: Night 1: (i know, i had to use print screen... i couldnt find it anywhere else.) -yeah "apples" is reaper. Day 2: I tried to work on the hair and hip.. i think that the hair sorta sucks but the hip works.. tell me what you think Day 3 Today i worked on mainly the outline, but i got kinda bored with that and tried to fix up my central parts. Make any suggestions for changes in my renderings now, because once i get started, its sorta hard to stop you know... maybe the glow on the lower bauble i should fix? keep watching thanks! Knight
That's one tough render man. I'm thinking you can go through with this with as long as you cut with care! Good luck.
That's one sexy plains mage. Magic used to be so epic. I remember reading the books and comic books. Those were the days.
I personally go pixel by pixel with the pen tool to follow all of the contours of the object. That seems to work pretty well.
i didnt have much time tonight so i basically just did the hip and the hair. i think that that the hair kinda sucks but the hip holes work out better. any suggestions on getting the marks of places that i didnt fully erase out of the holes inside the hairs? i can see it on oldschool forgehub idk about forgehub X keep posting here, i don't wanna have to double post or do anything each night.. and could someone keep me informed on how the render looks in forgehub X?