Hey, i've been wondering for a while, so i thought i'd just ask some people on FH. What's the difference between MLG Maps and Competitive Maps? I know MLG stands for Major League Gaming, but what does an MLG map include? Is it just a map that is symmetrical? (since most MLG maps posted on FH are symmetrical and a lot of Competitive maps aren't) Oh yeah, and I've added a poll for what you think is better, MLG or Competitive.
The MLG style has certain restrictions that competitive maps don't have, such as weapon restrictions. I don't remember all the weapons you're limited to, but I think you can have the BR, Carbine, Mauler, Sniper, Rockets, Shotty, no equipment, no powerups. I'm probably wrong cause I don't play MLG much and I don't look into the restrictions.
I think competitive maps are much better than MLG maps because a lot of MLG maps look the same. It is the same symmetrical BR dual on every map. On the other hand, competitive maps are awesome because it can be symmetrical or asymmetric! So many creative maps are forged because of this. Also, you can put any weapon you want on a competitive map, but on MLG, you have restrictions.
MLG weapon list BR Carbine Sniper Mauler Plasma Pistol Rocket Frag and Plasma grenades Active Camo CPU in the form of 2 extra shields. They aren't only symmetrical, although most of them are (Guardian). Basically, MLG attempted to make a gametype that rids the game of all randomness and focuses only on individual skill and teamwork. They play only team slayer, king of the hill, oddball, and capture the flag because of this, and alot of the gametypes are specific to maps. Whether or not they succeeded and MLG is good, is all personal opinion.
whoa, no swords, spike grenades, overshields? that sucks. Why would anyone even wanna make a MLG map if it has all those restrictions and stuff?