Hone Your Jump 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Uc Gollum, Sep 15, 2008.


Have you legitly finished this map?

  1. Have you finished this map with a little cheating?

  2. Have you shredded this map to pieces in forge after failing miserably time after time?

  3. anata wa ninja desuka.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Check out "Hone Your Jump 1"
    Download "Hone Your Jump 2"

    Download "Challenge"

    [aname=top]Player Size:[/aname]
    1 (recommended)-16 (don't even...)
    Slayer (if you want some grenades) & Challenge (if you want to beat this course legitly)

    Quick Links:
    [jumpto=2]Custom Game Variant[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=3]Screenshots (true description)[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=4]Screenshots to the Final Room[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=5]Special Thanks[/jumpto]

    [jumpto=SpeedRuns]Speed Runs[/jumpto]

    This is the second edition to the Hone Your Jump series. This focuses mainly on timing. This map features 3 different oracles throughout the map that will teleport you to the last checkpoint. I discovered this glitch (doubt I'm the first) while making the map, and to make it work, i had to delay your start by 10 seconds. Yes, this means that you must wait 10 seconds to begin the map.

    My goal with this series is to provide people with a never-ending challenge that will continuously hone their jumping skills. I have found that many of these jumps help surprisingly well with jumps on normal maps. I tried to replicate many different kinds of jumps found on Bungie maps, but in my own way.

    I have also left ways to escape this map, so with a little thought, you'll discover how. And of course, seeing as how I allow you to escape, there are a few extra jumps out there, but you have to find them.

    [aname=2]Custom Gametype:[/aname]

    This is the gametype used with this map. It does NOT change gravity or speed. It does change the player color to white, make the beginning weapon a magnum, and remove starting grenades. Oh, and it makes this a VIP escort game.

    [aname=3]Screenshots: The caption is above the screenshots.[/aname]

    The Oracle
    The oracles will return you to the previous checkpoints if you fail an obstacle.

    Squirtle Spawn Area
    This is a secondary spawn area to prevent overcrowding at the beginning. Simply jump into the teleport once the ledge spawns (thank xInfamous2x for encouraging me -and helping- to build this).

    High Jump
    As you walk up the stairs and bump into the wall, you will notice that you will slightly "bump" each time. Try to time your jump at the peak of this bump (and crouch jump of course).

    Wall Slide
    Back up, run at the stairs, and crouch jump when you are closest to the stairs. The goal is to allow your momentum to smoothly carry you up the slant. (I decided to call this a "wall slide" seeing as the term "slide jump" would cause some confusion).

    Long Jump
    Jump as late as possible. For those who do not regularly jump, a good delayed jump will appear as though you have jumped off of thin air.

    Balancing Ledge and Jump
    Walk slowly while looking inwards at a slight angle (to keep yourself from falling) and attempt to delay jump as you walk around the corner.

    Momentum Jump
    Basically edge yourself backwards as much as possible whilst staying on the ledge, move backwards another step and jump, then move back towards the wall and land on the ledge above.

    Delayed Landing/Timed Jump
    Time your jump and landing so that you land inside the crack. Try to almost hit the top wall.

    Timed Jumps & Wall Slides
    Time your jumps so that you land inbetween the stairs. If you fail, then you have to "wall slide" up to the intersections of the stairs.

    [aname=4]Slide Jump off of the Foundry Slant[/aname]
    There are three (3) ways to reach these ledges/the radar jammer. This is the first and most difficult option. Good luck finding the others, and remember, be creative.

    Equipment Jump
    If you are host, look directly down while in midair, tap "X", and then repeatedly tap "A" until you jump (don't crouch). This is trickier for the non-hosts. Non-hosts must do the exact same thing, except that they must look down at a 45 degree angle. It is rather hard to do for non-hosts.

    Odd Delayed Jump
    This jump is...weird. It is the kind of jump where you must delay, yet at the same time be at the perfect height. This jump will seem impossible (although you might get it easily at first). It is possible to skip this jump, but make it across at least once.

    Click to view slideshow (probably the most difficult jump)


    The Start of the Final Jump
    Once you finish the long jump, you come to this final jump. This is an equipment jump that can be done from anywhere on the ledge. This jump requires perfect timing, and I'm super cereal :p. You must delay jump from the ledge and precisely when you reach the apex of your jump, you must equipment jump. This should get you to the Foundry ledge.

    The Middle/End of the Final Jump
    Like i said above, you must delay jump from the ledge and precisely when you reach the apex of your jump, you must equipment jump. This should get you to the Foundry ledge, and from there, you can simply walk to the finish line, where you will meet the master oracle. You can also drop down to the beginning and repeat the course or help your friends.

    The master oracle, HLG Viper! Congratulations! You win!

    [aname=5]Special Thanks to:[/aname]

    xInfamous2x, for the amazing squirtle image and idea (lol).
    HLG Viper for "modeling" (the master oracle).
    BlazeisGod, ShellShockNinja, Cimba117, COB Handsom ROB, Kenny, and everyone else who helped me test and what not.

    Oh, and on a side note, most obstacles on this map have been edited multiple times to ensure that they are as or nearly as difficult as possible. Each time I completed a jump I would make it a little harder until it was truly impossible, then I reverted it to the previous setting.

    [aname=SpeedRuns]Speed Run Leaderboards[/aname]

    1.__________ _____
    __________ _____
    3.__________ _____
    4.__________ _____
    5.__________ _____

    [jumpto=top]RETURN TO TOP[/jumpto]
    #1 Uc Gollum, Sep 15, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2008
    Smeagle likes this.
  2. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    First... wow iu finally posted it... THIS MAP IS AMAZING... u will spend time after time trying to complete each jump and the final reward will keep u trying i played this forever... i finally beat it... n i must admit this is smooth interlocking... nice looks creative and challenges ur jumping skills... cant think of a better way to spend my weekend....EVERYONE should dl this it is defenitely not a waste nearly everything is perfect and u will learn to jump better... 5/5
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  3. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Boyle! But i don't think i geo-merged (lol). It took me a while to finish this map.

    Also, am i able to fix my poll? I wasn't thinking and, well, the poll doesn't make much sense.
  4. halodudeguyman

    halodudeguyman Ancient
    Senior Member

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    that is a very good map. i already dl and its awsome! im stuck at the wall slide. can you help me?
  5. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Umm, jumping is mostly taught through experience, so just keep trying. In the meantime, (if this makes any sense at all) try jumping up the wall, rather than at it. Get really close and jump (then crouch) while keeping forward momentum.
  6. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    wow i remember the firswt one and it was awesome, also i think that there are some jumps here even i cant do!
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  7. Tritive

    Tritive Ancient
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    This is Tritive from Spark Studios, and I will say, this map WILL help you jump. I love all of the jumps, the first is pretty hard (for me at least >_<) And the last one. The equipment jump. Also, you guys do know that when you come to the radar jumps, if you miss the radarjump, you beat it down, then jump. Throw them down before you try the equipment jump. It makes things easier.
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Definatly reminds me of those tough jumping maps made by miles. You know, the ones where if you were off by a centimeter you'd fail? Yeah but anyways nice map! For a jumping map, the aesthetics are beautiful, specially in the fifth to last picture! Jeez, to set up those walls...Anyway, great job, 5/5!
  9. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
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    Thanks! I did add checkpoints though to make it way less annoying =). I believe all maps should look good, so i make even my simple ones aesthetically pleasing (check out the giant curved wall of bridges around the delayed landing =P).
  10. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    YAAAAYYYY!!! Posted! If someone finishes this legitly, you can have a cookie. Every single part of this map is perfectly planned and pulled off, and the aesthetics are mind-bending! Love how you got the oracle thing to work using the delayed map entry.

    Oh, and in the description of the equipment jump, you should write that non-hosts has to look in a 45 degree angle to be precise.

    No credit to viper for the master oracle picture? :( Great map, i will keep this on my hard-drive for when i'm bored. I will beat it eventually ;: ). Oh, and is anyone up to make a speed-run?
  11. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    thank you man for telling me how to do a equipment jump in the first one i was always stuck but now i might complete it BTW i still have the first one you posted :)
  12. xInfamous2x

    xInfamous2x Ancient
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    i expect a cookie now :) :) :)
    HLG Viper likes this.
  13. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    This post signifies I am going to come back and give a well thought out review.

    EDIT: The overall build quality was excellent, all of the jumps were difficult. It took me about 38 minutes to finish (with the gametype, and alone), which is a pretty good time, considering I was slightly lost at one point. I liked your checkpoint system, the monitors were unique, and the teleporter idea was original. I had actually considered doing this on one of my maps, but now that I've seen it done, I need something new. Many of the jumps were reminiscent of various others that bungie put in for us, and that makes this a very useful tool. I would say that the equipment jumps were perhaps the most difficult, because they had to be right on the apex of the jump.

    I also downloaded your first jump course, which I found to be equally useful and impressive. We should undoubtably collaborate on one of these seeing as these are the best courses I've seen to date. Perhaps even better than... Dare I say, my own? Though mine are a bit older than yours.

    P.S. Check your PMs.
    #13 Devinish, Sep 16, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2008
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  14. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    kewl map. It looks like i would just go through it in forge lol...
  15. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    These jumps are certainly tricky. I can't wait to try. I recently was watching videos on the different types of jumps to see if i could improve my game play, hopefully this will help.
  16. Shade9595

    Shade9595 Ancient
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    This is like an awsome ninja training camp! this should help all those noobs that dont know how to crouch jump. this map is also very well constructed but not very good unless you were just goofing of with your friends 4/5!
  17. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    Shade, i can assure you you will need more than a crouch jump. I doubt you'll finish it yourself. It's a mixture of very advanced jumps and timings, rendering it impossible for someone who cannot crouch-jump to finish it.
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  18. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
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    Nice to see a fan of my first HYJ = ). And equipment jumps are rather easy (for host), although they don't sound it.

    I believe you would have to go to Sweden for that =P.

    Awesome! I'm always open to improvements and the like. Thanks for following through! It's a rare thing nowadays =p. It's nice to know others perspectives on my map, rather than mine and my friends' views.

    Thanks! Although I beg to differ on the friend subject; this map is best done solo, seeing as it prevents you from cheating. I often use it to warm up my jumping before going into matchmaking.

    Thanks for the feedback, hopefully I'll get that review soon (devinish' your guides are superb) = ). Good luck jumping all of you, and i hope this helps with training. If anyone needs help or would like to see how an obstacle pertains to Matchmaking Maps, feel free to send me a message via FH or Live.

    Also, I'll put up a small Leaderboards on the main post if anyone wants to submit their best times w/ vid link (easily upload it to GameVee). In addition, I'll put up a vid when i get a near perfect run of the map (or if someone else does, I'll use theirs).

    Does anyone know if it is possible to edit my polling system?
    #18 Uc Gollum, Sep 16, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2008
  19. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    Oh, and not to spam, but i've gotten the RLOD just yesterday, so i can't play it yet. I'll make a speed-run my biggest assignment when it gets back though (might take a while).
  20. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I believe you can edit the original post to update it, but I could be wrong. Also, I edited my original post with the review.

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