It looks quite shmexy if you ask me. The eyes are accentuated good and the bubbly background works well. Upper left seems lacking though.
I like it, but I don't really like the dots, if they represent blood or whatever, I just don't think it looks good. But that is the only thing, every thing else looks fantastic.
Aight, I'll make a V2 in a sec... Fix sum problems... 1sec V2: Fills up the neg space and adds text...
is it just me, or does the render look squished together a little bit? other than that the sig looks awesome, great text in the v2 the eyes are accented well, and the render isnt too blurred into the background. random idea! cnage all of the stuff that is red and orange into blue colors. i think that may turn out well
The effects are very hard to notice. Brighten it all a little bit. Or at least make the effects more definitive. I like the ideas though...
It's pretty nice, though I hate how small it is, I don't like focusing on many points to see the effects, try making it bigger next time.
The background is cool. But those dots don't blend at all. But good text, overall very good. 5/5. But it does need to be a little bigger though. And one more thing, and a border.
Hehe... u said sig fetish! Anyway I like the new versions even though I luved the original. U r gettin a lot better w/ ur sigs so Good Job on that. Also I know of a great site for ur fetish!