[size=12pt]Big Mess [/size] Created by Xaukael Result of Forge Frustration Map: Foundry Supported Gametypes: Slayer Story: I made Map I made a few days after this map came out came out and was a result of my frustration with forge limitations. Download Big Mess
This post is not up to standards Bla Bla Bla.... Go Here and read the rules... Wait... so it supports no gametypes? EDIT: Okay... I guess you read some of the rules. PS: Your map will rarely ever get downloaded if you only post one picture and have a short description.
LMAO I guess its an original map in its own way just a big giant mess of items.I give it 1/5 for playability.5/5 for creativity and 1/5 for effort.I guess ill download.Its cool in its own way.
Are you serious? This isn't original at all. I'm sorry but this has been done waaaaay too many times. I give it a 1/10. It was cool when there were like 3-6 of these maps but sadly, this design is past its prime. Try letting the creative juices flow and make a real map. I'm not trying to sound like a tool or anything and I hope I don't come off as one, its just that this has been done far too many times.
I mean its original for a really bad map its funny how he just threw items all over the place without thinking of neatness to make a random heap of junk like paint splatter paintings it may look bad but its still art.This map looks horrible but its still a map.
Yea but the idea of throwing random junk around and calling it a map has actually been done before numreous times. THe originality of this idea....well there is none.
umm i like it because it has the feel of a map with the insanity on a junk pile. altho it looks like you just threw some junk ontop of a badly made map. ill still dl and see what my friends think.
i cant believe i want to download this... this is weird for me. i usually try to conserve space, but i kinda want this. woah. anyway, well, i guess its a good job if your getting downloads... =/ why is this cool? whatever, maybe infection will be cool.
Right Sorry that my post isn't up to standards, the post creator didn't work very well for me. As for the map I didn't say it was great and I didn't put more than an hour into it but it is fun to play with a few friends. And like I said I made it the week foundry came out.