This thread is for discussion of this weeks SOTW only. This is to avoid the large amount of off topic discussion which has been appearing in the entry threads. This thread will be deleted once the voting thread is created. This does not mean spam is allowed here however, we are not the off topic section and the forum rules still apply. Discuss each others entries, future themes, new ideas for the contest, etc. Exchanging critcism on each others entries is allowed, however this is a casual contest so try not to be harsh or unkind.
You gots to post that in the entry thread. This is discussion... I lub it though, nice and simple. I'd guess you used the paint daubs filter sometime in there?
woops i guess i mixed the two threads up lol and no i didn't use that actually i used a stock and render to make that sig and with help from some smudging and gradient maps
I was half going to do what Diz did, but I'm going to change that now because he did it. Bleugh, we'll see. I'm liking this topic though - alot.
This is a really open theme... How do you guys likey mine? And mega, your's reminds me of that one lizard pokemon...
Juggernaut, you will probably get some votes. The only things I'm not liking are the border and the text. Get rid of the border, but crop the top and bottom off a little bit so it doesn't look too empty. Also the text is just meh...I guess it's the color, not the font. Maybe make it a little yellower/golden? What about mine?
Hey guys CnC this: I think I did a pretty good job, what do you guys think? CnC me so I can fix some things up before voting weekend.
IMO, the light source/light blue part is a bit too bright... Also, darken up the sides to give it depth, and blur everything but the guy.
Hells, I think my vote goes to you unless someone does something better with more color. I revamped what you said Diz. What'cha think now?
Much better; sometimes the simplest things can change a tag completely... I'm probably going to make another sig for the SOTW...using a stock...or doing another pentool...