Creators: Bartoge, Gkoo, others for mental and emotional support CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Description: Crystalyte is a small aysmmetrical map built for mainly team games, but also works well with FFA. It contains: a centerpiece(containing the crystals) centered around two bases, a tunnel structure, and a catwalk that can be accessed by two ladders from each side. The centerpice prevents spawn killing and allows for bouncy genades, and it just looks cool. Gametypes - Slayer - Team Slayer - All Flag Related - All Bomb Related - All Territory Related - All King Of The Hill Related - All Oddball Related Weapons/Equipment - AR X3 - BR X4 - Shotgun X1 - Sniper X1 - Needler X1 - Carbine X4 - Frags X6 - Plasmas X8 - Regenerator X1 The power weapons each spawn at a different time of the game to prevent one person getting them all at the same time, and completly destorying. PICS ACTION PICS CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THANKS TO ALL THAT HELPED PLAYTEST ENJOY
Looks really nice with the merging and interlocking. I'm downloading it now. ;] I'll come back later with a review of the gameplay later. For now, it's a 4.2/5 from me. I'd like to see more supreme map's from you in the future. Nice map. EDIT: The gameplay was amazing. We done shotty snipers but BTW, There is an elevator with a man cannon going up. I managed to hop on the window panel and onto the crane. It was a good camping spot with a sniper, Although I suggest you fix that. Or there WILL be camper(s).
This looks very original, and could have great gameplay. I like the huge sculpture in the middle, also the interlocking is great good job
You, sir, have the most amazing interlocking I have seen in a while (mostly because I have not delved deep into the forums that are Forge Hub). The geomerging is not bad, a whole lot better than i could ever do therefore my hat goes off to you.
looks good... nice job on interlocking and geo merging... u like cones huh lol... they give it color tho and that is good... nice map layout looks good i will post more if more needs be said
nice map. apparent solid gameplay. it has a well balanced weapon set. i really like the center structure (cones and all) and those sheild doors could bank some pretty awesome nades. Ur map is very aesthetically pleasing too. keep on forgin
This map looks good by the pics, but I wish youcould get some sort of an overview. I cant really see how big the map really is. I doesnt seem that big but bu what I see, it looks great. Like youve heard plenty of times, nice interlocking and geo merging. I lke that ledge you got in the first pic and the middle structure is pretty creative so I give you a 4/5. As far as what DaHitman said, I think you should forget about that and let there be campers. Everyone is so picky about campers but hey, a true competitor would just deal with it. Most of the original maps on HALO have spots to camp. So as I heard before, time to grow up and deal with it. Plus it adds a more asymetrical aspect to the map.
I can't get an overview of the entire map in one shot, but the first two pics are the closest to overviews.