since tex is looking for 3d, stoj has the best nao. I like the ones with crew in it the best. edit: I kind of took stoj's idea a bit and tried something different. The first looks really crappy on a white (old school skin) but good on black or dark gray (forge hub x). It looks a bit boxy so I made a different one (the last one). The second is just the one without the brushes behind the text. still a bit boxy... here's a better un. ok that's bout all i have
I can't compete with TDH but eh I thought I might whip up a serious attempt. Woah its huge. Had the zoom on 66% in photoshop lolol
Btw, I did a V2 on the ABCrew sig I made. I edited my post, its back a few pages. Wasn't really happy with how the previous version turned out, I think its alright now.
Firstly, I just want to say thanks to all the applicants so far. Your sig's, for the most part, have been quite excellent. I really don't want anyone disqualified because they failed to follow the rules...There've been a lot of epic sigs made so far. Reminder of the prize winnings: If you get your sig chosen by myself, bloodfire, shad0wviper, or rusty eagle, then you will receive rep from me. If no one chooses your sig, you receive no rep. So, say your sig is chosen by 3 of the members. You should be receiving 3 rep from me? Incorrect...I'm not going to ***** myself out to other people, just to give you another rep...or 2.
OMG if you dont pick this one you SUCK!!! THIS IS THE GREATEST SIG EVER!!! <3 <3 <3 I wish it didnt have the text there though =D <3
Zerosun, if you ever did want to get into 3d modeling, i recommend Imagine as a starter program. its easy to learn, and can take you pretty far up until 1337 modeling. any questions feel free to PM me.
This was so not the place for that, lul... Anyways, to everyone else, you have 21 1/2 hours to make final decisions on your sigs (midnight tonight, GMT-6), good luck to all contestants.
Competition is closed, I am going to await word from other judges (Or members of The ABCrew) before handing out the prizes/announcing the winners. Good luck to all those that entered.