I've heard about it for a long time, and I never really cared for it. BUNGiE had mentioned it several times, and after awhile I only visited to see what had made the featured section. Then after Glitchamanjaro shut-down, I was looking for a different clan to join. I couldn't find one so I came here.
Kept hearing horror stories about interlocknazis in Forgehub. So I joined and submitted a map to see if I could find one.
i was watching a vid on machinima.com (about older best-of-forge) and checked it out, as you should see i joined if you dont see that i joined your a... nevermind
Heard about it from my clan leader, finally decided to join after hearing the place mentioned so often.
I got super interested after downloading storm the beach and then found wordpress forgehub in november. I pretty much threw up on it and left. I did take the time to debate contacting one of handful of people involved, i didnt. lol. then in december I made a map for somebody that they were going to post here. I came back and realized it was now a pretty little community then joined to make sure my shtuff wasn't stolen. lol.
Around december time I was googling Halo 3 forged maps. I came across Forgehub and saw the small collection of maps they had and I was very interested. I visited it most days to see if any new maps had been done. Eventually on the 22nd of January I decided to register.
I saw a Reference to it on the Halo 3 files form on Bungie Looking through some of the featured maps i noticed alot of interlocking which is not something you see often in the files forum lol, so i decided to stick around as this place looked pretty cool.
I was playing on a Cops N Robbers map called "My Town" which was a really good map. It had this weird door system (which I implemented in one of my maps) where it actually had the teleporters inside the doors. I was like "omgwtfbbq." Upon closer inspection I found that there were freaking boxes inside of each other. This mystified me. I had never seen anything like it. So I basically posted all over Bungie trying to figure out how. Someone linked me (finally) to Forging 101. And you can guess the rest of the story from there. Actually you can't. I just dropped it after reading the guides. But then my friend (who isn't even on FH) showed me some stuff about Best of Forge. And I just couldn't get her out of my head no matter how much i tried. I knew that from the second I saw her that I had to have her. So I took her behind the school and got her pregnant... Well actually I just signed up after awhile because I like Halo, but Bungie's forums are just bitching about Bungie. So I left that one for this one.
i didn't like halo....but drawingman got me into it. then in his obsession, i guess he googled and found this place, then showed me but i didnt really care cause i wasnt into forums, i thought they were boring.but low and behold. here i am. i got sucked in. thats what she said.
I was talking to a friend about forging and he mentioned it. I then googled it and was a guest from December until I got around to making an account in Febuary
I saw something called Tunnel Raid on the favourites? Even now I haven't found whatever that is. (Haven't exactly tried but meh) I've always wanted a forging partner, too. =/
The way I found this place was simple. I went to B.Net one day and in a update, which I still read, they mentioned Forgehub. I said: Well, I'm an active member on B.Net, so I'll just check out the maps and looks at the threads. Then I come back to B.Net and I found this stupid thread. It was full of flaming, racism, and idiots. Then I noticed that Forgehub was a much more polite and civilized place. So I finally signed up. Now that I look back... I don't see how I could of stood so much stupidity. Also, joining in turn also made me interested in forge and helped me finally choose what career I was going to study to go into (graphics).