Sanskrit 1v1 by eguitarplaya33 & LetalisCarbine9 ***You must use the gametypes added when playing this map*** History The story of Sanskrit goes like so; I was sitting here playing Xbox like any other day when I had an urge to build an amzingly epic gnar looking 1 on 1 map. I looked into my friends' (eguitar's) fileshare for inspiration, and hell, I was inspired. But starting the map didn't come naturally so instead I offered eguitar an idea. How about working on that v2.0 you never got to? He agreed, so for the last 48 hours this was born... Original map Of course before I can get to the pics here's a brief over lay The map is set up for Slayer, 1 Flag, and Oddball, all of which I've created original gametypes for. Weapons: 1-Battle Rifle-45 seconds-2 clips 1-Sniper Rifle-90 seconds-0 clips ( four shots ) 2-SMG's-45 seconds-1 clip 2-Spikers-45 seconds-1 clip 2-Plasma Pistols-30 seconds 2-Brute Shots-45 seconds spawns at start (in Asymmetrical spawns 45 sec into game) 1-Carbine-45 seconds-2 clips 1-Mauler-60 seconds Grenades: 2-Plasma Grenades-10 seconds 3-Spike Grenades-20 seconds 1-Firebomb Grenade-30 seconds 1-Frag Grenade-10 seconds Equipment: 1-Bubble Shield-90 seconds 1-Regenerator-90 seconds 1-Radar Jammer-90 seconds 1-Custom Powerup-120 seconds (not placed at start.) About the Custom power up: The Custom power up found in all three gametypes works like so; Spawns 120 sec into gameplay, gives poor camo, 2x overshield and forced color black. The overshield qualities from a custom aren't essentially like a normal overshield, the custom overshield can be penetrated while powering up so this is fair. Basic Overview; Attacker spawn Defenders Main area Bunker/Sniper Spawn Power up Shack Middle Inside Bunker Basement Action Shots; -Oddball- I hate you with a burning passion Drop the ball Spartan punch~!!!! -1 Flag- Drop the flag, and no one dies "I may be dead, but you're a unicorn." Outa the way -Slayer- Bubble shield pwns Spikenade from hell This incident sucked for me Iz am likez inv!s nd blAk I'd like to thank; eguitarplaya33 Vorpal Saint XxsdrakulichxX warfang326 zdrummer9999 all for testing and help That wraps up the post, Links: Sanskrit Sans Slayer Sans Ball Sans 1 Flag _______________________
WOW one of the best maps thats enclosed LOVE the screenshots and the sniper bunker LOVE IT 5/5 first post
Good map, i can see this as a really good slayer/odball map, enclosed and has some good interlocking. Sniper Bunker looks really cool i cannot think of any suggestion, this map looks like it does what it was designed to do and looks good too 5/5
Yes, its finally posted, all the time finally payed off. Yes, mini waz it is a small map that is the whole point, if i used sandtrap for a 1 on 1 that wouldn't be too fun, now would it? If i could add a hint for those who wish to download and play this map, the firebomb grenade is used a lot in this game. When I tested this map with my brother, zdrummer9999, he used the FB a lot! Also the brute shot is very helpful because it allows intense damage to the one below
Ok.., just remember that this was made just for 1 on 1, it could be kind of hard to play with three people. However letaliscarbine9 me (eguitarplaya33) and zdrummer9999 played rockets on this map, and it was really fun. We might make a varient for this map with rockets, and maybe even swords.
this looks really really good... the layout is good to.... nice to see ppl taking the time to do that... i like the aesthetics tho im not liking the sign rook thing... i like the sniper spot interlocking and geo merging looks good download from me :> 4.6/5 nice jo on the map i want to see more maps from u
When I looked at the first picture it looked like it was poorly made. But when I looked at the gameshots and everything the map looks incredible. You have very good creativity and are a very good forger 5/5.
Ok, this was a coop forged map it wasnt just made by him lol. I made the basic layout and he redid the weapon layout and added different features. Thanks for the comments.
I'm enjoying this feedback. but in choerence with parts of these comments I'd like to mention, this version is for gameplay, and to gather thoughts and feelings of the map. When I go to do a v2 I plan on making it way more aesthetically pretty. I do have enough budget to carry out some renovation so don't worry about it for now. I believe it looks well enough to last you guys so hang in there, I'm waiting on more comments.
Just played swords and rockets, Yes I think we are going to add this to the gametypes. Swords were fun but its very hard to keep a spree lol. Also rockets are fun but its better when you have 3 people which we are probably going to set it up where swords and rockets are with 3 people.
I really like this map. The basement is a cool idea and the layout seems well thought out. I think this would be great for intense 1v1 2v2 battles. Exellent interlocking and neat style and wonderful gameplay.
Though this map seems a little small for my taste, it is very well merged and interlocked. A skill I wish I possessed. There seems to be a wide variety of weaponry. I like that in a map. 5/5 for me.
Does anybody understand the fact it's set up specifically for 1v1 games. But due to the fact everybody enjoys the intense battles, as do all in v2 I'm going to equip it with for starting points. Thanks for the good feedback up til now, and yes eguitar did mention sword/rockets variants. Ill add those later
In the future if we make a v2 we will probably try to make it bigger by making tunnels around the map. To prevent camping there will be fusion coils perhaps. Or maybe even bridges around the third story. Who knows, be surprised. btw: Omg me and letalis are online at the same time its 5:55 here and like 6:50 there lol
Okay, I donwloaded my map Sanskrit and played on it heres the review. Before I look at maps I love to see what other people have to say about the maps and the first comment on Sanskrit went something like "OMG this is the best enclosed map I've ever seen" So I was pretty excited about reviewing this. Unfortunately it wasn't even close, and the person who had commented couldnt have seen some of the great maps; Project S, Temple Of Atlas, to name a few. The map did look good, and had an extremely good use of movable objects. My personal favorite was the dumpsters used as stairs, though they could also be used to jump up to the top of the outer wall and camp (Note the map was unescapable.) The map looked good and the wraith was a nice aesthenic touch. The floor was made well, but there was no one touch that made this map unique. Aesthenics-7 The map had an extremely boxy feel, there were little curves; besides the sniper tower, so to me that was kind of a downer. Like I said there was no one thing that stood out in this map, so it was not too original, though I didnt feel like I had played it before. If I had to choose one thing as the maps "logo" it would be the dumpster chairs. They were deffinately the most unique thing. Originality-4 I played this map with my friend, one on one like suggested by the maker, and unfortunately, this was the worst part. The map was extremely small, and we played one flag. It was impossible to not score, and in 2/4 rounds we played I ran one way, my friend ran the other, I grabbed the flag, and scored. (Yes, we played San 1 Flag) I was stopped once, and my friend was a few times, but with 3 minute rounds its an automatic tie. Gameplay wasn't too fun because it was over as soon as it began, and after one game my friend was yelling at me not to play again. Gameplay- 3/10 Overall the map wasn't bad, just far too small. The aesthenics were good but it lacked in originality. I urge the creators of this map to continue making maps, and try them on a larger scale. Also, I hope he tries to find that "Wow factor" i was talking about. I'm not saying that every map needs it, and that I'm perfect, because I don't believe I've quite found it either. It's extremely tough to pull off something that astonishes people with its originality and gameplay, and I'm not trying to tell the creators they failed, because they are great forgers. Overall- 4.5/10 Edit for post-Yes I know it was meant to be small, or else you wouldn't have made it small. But I don't think one flag was meant for this map, its just too tiny.