Episode 1: Hoax for Noobs Description: Everyone knows that someone out there likes to spread lies about how to get recon, well newbish gets one of thoughs lies from a friend named Jeff (The same jeff who was going to propose to his girlfriend until newbish messed up everything), Newbish joins Oobers game to get his help and after awhile Newbish convices Oober and they set course to a matchmaking game where they will meet new people and break the laws of gaming. Click here to watch how Newbish messes up Jeffs propasal Part 1 Part 2 Voice Actors & Body Actors Oober - Bucccstrictland Newbish - Raptree Forever Laggy - Grim241 Weatherman - GeneticSpartan Blue Guy - jarhead839 Raptree Forever SolidSnake1162 Grim 2541 edog4296 Videon07 Cheery7 BeanTheRide19 Tom Rslever DirtyToenail45 Sh4rP Sh00t3R 2 thx to anyone else who helped
haha nice, only have time for the first one, but I suggest walking a bit slower, and watching your acceleration....also, the camera angle on the first part was awesome (in the introductions where it says running riot films or something)