For those that have seen the SotW, you might have seen my entry. When I entered it, I thought it was okay but I decided to redo it completly. Before. After Thoughts are greatly appreciated. V 1.5 V1.6 V2.0 V2.5
Did you use all defaults? I see a lot of brushing there... I don't really like it sorry man. Try using ALL DEFAULTS, see how that would turn out.
Added more versions. Just an idle curiosity, does useing Stock make it look any better? Or is it similiar to what people on HIH do with glitches. Where using Forge is cheating.
I don't know any "forgey" terms, sorry man, but using brushes that you download is like taking parts of other peoples work and stamping it on your own...
So it doesn't make it look any better? And using that kind of logic, all sigs are takeing someones work and stamping it as your own. You are, after all, using a render that was rendered by someone and that person got the picture from someone who actually took the picture. Using stock can be considered the same if you use any brush or tool as someone made those.
True dat... Anyway V2.5 is major improvement and is looking really good. Great job! Also I don't get ur last post at all (Telrad) and so plz clarify. =) Edit: Nevermind about clarifying but it is possible to make sigs completely ur own. I took the pic I used and just used different filters and a lens flare and I got my current Desktop. It looks really good and is in the "Desktop" Thread. So anyway good job!
I don't use renders, I use photos. Technically we are ripping work even if we have our own photos because the person you have the picture of had to be made by someone else to be put into a picture and into photoshop. Get pwned .
Was that a self pwn? lol ^_^ And anyway, you're still in my point. You've just ripped off one person less. You still need help for making that. You used GIMP or Photoshop which are made by Adobe and ???? If they didn't make their respective programs, you're sig, wallpaper or avatar wouldn't exist.
*SIGH* One day you all shall see that default "tools" is key to a good signature... Until then /facepalm.
Not really. Using what people allow eveyone to use is just cutting the time it takes to make the sig. And anyway, for all you know, I could have made those brushes myself...
If you made those brushes your self, than great job, but why would you have mentioned it this deep into a thread? Anyways LETS STOP ARGUING, unless you want to lose horribly to my ultimate noob power.
I'm playing Devils Advocate. -_- I agree, let's stop arguing because deep down, we both know that I'm right.
You know you are going to lose a fight to a 14 year old... Don't even bother! ADMIN PLEASE CLOSE THIS TOPIC SO TELRAD DOESN'T CRY OVER HIS EPIC LOSS!
OH SHI-! Did you say 14 year old???? That's th one age group I can never win against!!!! Please, I didn't mean any offense!!! Forgive me!!! Don't argue with me!!! I don't want to lose!!!
lololololololol My ultimate power has granted me a win! Don't worry im not a retarded dumb one who has a squeeky voice that acts like they are a ****ing king... Im more like... Lets not go off topic, Telrad you are my new friend!