Boxed In

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by DimmestBread, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Boxed In
    By DimmestBread


    This map is a mini-game created on foundry. It is sort of a sequal to my map fenced in. There are two teams, which can range from 2 players each to 8 players each. One person always spawns in the middle in the laser box. There is a custom powerup and a spartan laser in it. This person is supposed to pick up the laser, and this person can not be killed. Behind each person's box is their fenced area, which is where the rest of the team is. The laser person tries to laser the other team and get as many points as possible before the 1 minute round ends. The rest of the team tries to dodge the other laser person so he can't get more kills than your laser person. The team with the most points after 5 rounds wins.

    Boxed In - (Team Slayer varient)
    - 5 rounds
    - 1 min. rounds
    - Plasma Pistol starts
    - No grenades
    - Infinite Ammo
    - 3 sec spawn time
    Custom Powerup -
    - Invincible
    - Player gravity 200% (heavy)

    *These are the settings for the gametype for those who don't have room for the gametype or are to lazy to download it.*

    An overview of one side. The other is the same.

    The laser box. (Heres full proof that you can't kill the other laser guy)

    Lower Fenced Area

    Upper Fenced Area

    Hoping the laser.

    Thanks to everyone for testing. Remember, this is a sequal to fenced in and it is very fun. Please download, rate, and comment. Enjoy!
  2. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    This looks like a great mini game. I have never seen anything like this and it looks like you had a great time making and playing it. Keep up the good work. 5/5.
  3. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    I've seen infection games like this, but never a two-teamed version, this looks really cool!
  4. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    This is almost like the clay shooting but a more definite way of killing the people like at a carnival where you shoot the ducks as they move along. And thats when you see the evil clown who mugs you because you are at one of those county carnivals where all the food insure either food poisoning or another disease, but your map is good, too.
  5. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    you made fenced in dimmest? wow dude i didn't know that but i love that game. this is a great sequal! but it looks almost impossible for the people in the fence walls to survive, but i would need to play this first. you should totally make one where the humans can get above the lazer team. nice map man
  6. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    hmm, its an interesting concept, cant wait to play it. Good job on the interlocking too, keep it up
  7. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Thanks and yes it was very enjoyable to make except trying to figure out if I wanted the zombies in a box or if they could run around

    Yeah I've seen a few like this includiong my original one fenced in but I had never seen a two team version.

    Uhh, wtf?

    I can work on that but I will have to use fence boxes accordingly because there are no fence walls left. And thanks

    Thanks although the interlocking has nothing to do with the gameplay, i'm really not sure why I interlocked everything.
  8. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    hey, why u post and no tell me? (im asian/pacific islander native).
    so it looks like you made unlimited lives. thats good, thats good. i like this one better than the original, cause you are actually competing against another team insted of just surviving ands killing for kicks and giggles.
    really good mimi game, its original and fun.
  9. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
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    its an awesome map but it would be even better if you had a v2 and added another lvl or 2. stilll though 5/5 great map dude its alot of fun!
  10. MovingTarget602

    MovingTarget602 Ancient
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    Looks like a great mini-game. Nowadays, it is as if everyone accepts mini-games since there is a shortage of them, but again a great map. My friends love to play this game, and in the 10 or so games of this I have played, I have only died 3 times. LOL
  11. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
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    good idear but i dont think you would be able to dode the lazer bullets witch would make its realy anoying as long as you could run a bit faster in the settings then yea it might be better
  12. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    thats pretty cool but don't you think the guys with the laser kill them selves by hitting one of the bars in the window panel but whats the chance of that happening.
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Its not too hard to dodge the laser. you have to experience it to understand though.

    The laser guy is invincible. If they weren't the laser guys could just kill each other. and it would be no fun.

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