I recently made this video tutorial to help people with their signature work. I got this file from a friend and edited it into a full blown signature. He wanted me to make a video to show him what I did. It's long about 27 minutes, but worth a look if you're new to signature making. Also, lastly, I recommend listening to music during the video since it has no sound and is quite long. http://www.veoh.com/videos/v15901607GyXZfB5Q Also here is the finished outcome. Enjoy the video.
Hey this is cool, I'm thinking of getting into making signatures, and this should help me quite alot. Thanks for the video, I can't wait to try and make my own sigs.
THIS IS PAIRED WITH MY VIDEO TUTORIAL: Thanks for filming this juggernaut! Awesome sig BTW (shhh dont tell!) hahaaha jk
What? Paired with your video tutorial? It is the full video tutorial I made for you. Anyways, in case any one asks what I used to film this, it's called Camtasia. Search it on google if you're curious.
I made a tutorial on how to film your screen....check it out in G&A, i think its still on the first page...
great tut! i would advise trying to make a shorter one. but anyways i would use but i dont have PS. stinks