I made a new signature based on the band All That Remains, I was listening to their new album "Overcome" and their old album "The Fall of Ideals" while making this signature, I hope you guys like it: V1 With black bars V2 without black bars V3 With new text and previous border V4 With new text and no black bars. V5 No C4D over stock. CnC please. HELPFUL CNC!
Very nice, All That Remains is an incredible band. Good job on the sig. I would say, remove the two black bars, only problem I have with it.
indeed, all that remains is a beast band. i almost tried out for them when they lost their bass player many years back. get rid of the black bars and its perfect. ps, blaze and i are using a song of theirs in our new video for our map
Sweet, if you use a song use Chiron or Two Weeks or This Calling, those are sick songs, Six is overused in videos so not that song. Their new album is so AWESOME! I am removing the black bars as I type.
Naw, Keep the black bars (They're part of the border!) The text seems to contradict the whole grungey feel to it... I think its the drop shadow.... Other then that, it looks really good.
we planned on This Calling. I was trying to avoid a single, but it works too well with the video clips.
Lol, nice, its a sweet song, and I can 5 Star it on RockBand, expert guitar FTW! Anyways back the signatures, I have 4 versions up at the moment if it is needed I will make more so just let me know if there is anything I can fix up still.
V3 ftw, very nice xD and on the subject of music, silence... Ya'll are good.. I'm listening rite now xD
Looks extremely messy. Erase the effects overlying the render/stock. Also get rid of the border or add a thicker one 1-2px borders are ugly.
Then if I do that it won't blend at all, this is a grunge signature, not a C4D clean type thing, so base it off a grunge style CnC not clean and modern looking. Thick borders will ruin the signature, it will make it look like a lot of effects are missing from the edges.
He means all the C4D on the singer. Its alright, but the only parts I like are the outline of the singer. And the color scheme. I dont like the grungy-ness though. Not refined at all.
i like version 4 the best. i am partial to the effects myself. its my style. and thanks to whoever said they were checkin my band out.