(click to download) It's been a little while since i released my last map Lygophobia. i took a brief break from forging after Lygophobia, but now im back and better than ever =P Many people know me for my unique use of movable geometry/ movable objects. In 2 of my previous maps i made destructible towers, and too be honest, those towers didn't effect gameplay too much. i was completely determined into using my thoughts on movable objects, and creating a piece of map geometry made of movable objects that had a HUGE impact on gameplay. after a lot of thinking, i finally had the perfect idea. A perfect idea that sprouted into a map that took me quite a lot of work... Mutable. Mutable is a symmetrical map focused on team games. Mostly focused on Multi-Flag. There is 2 bases, in the back corners in Foundry (garage door side). Connecting these two bases, is a destructible bridge with a death pit under it to provide a fast route from base to base, a dividing room with barriers blocking the entrances so when the barriers are knocked down, a fast path from base to base is open, and a long route around the whole map. In Mutable, you won't find too much amazing aesthetics or structures. in fact, this map is one of the least eye pleasing maps i have made recently. I've really cracked down and focused on the gameplay for this map. There's a good mix of high points and ground points with structures to provide cover here and there. All of the power weapons are located in neutral areas, that means they are all up for grabs, except each team spawns with one mauler. you'll find enough BRs and Dual Wieldable weapons spread across the map. Basically, i made the map as balanced as i possibly could. The main point of the map is that the environment controls the way the map will play. At the beginning of the game, the bridge will be up and the barriers will be blocking the middle room. the bridge will provide fast access between base to base, which will most likely cause fast-paced action. when the bridge is down, and the barriers are still blocking the middle room, the action will slow down slightly as you will have to travel all the way across the map, which will also cause battles to move to that back alley. When one of the barriers are opened (quick note: to open one of the barriers, you must shoot brute shots, rockets, or grenades at it, until it starts falling apart. once it's fallen apart a little, you must wait for the barriers to disappear), one side of the map is provided with acces to the middle room which hosts the shotgun. from the middle room you have access to mancannons that will plunge you to either side of the map. When both of the barriers are open, there's a very quick route from base to base and the action will pick up again, and the whole map will most likely be hosting battles and the shotgun will come into play more. Explosives and Explosive weapons really are important on the map. they are the only way you can effect the movable geometry. Brute Shots, Rockets, and Grenades are the only way you will be able to knock down the bridge or barriers. Enough with explaining the map... Here are some pics to get you familiar with the geometry. one of the bases (other side is exactly the same) Barrier and back part of base. a view looking out from the base. The middle room Barrier Closed Barrier Weakend Barrier Open Action Pics. (There's always a rush at the bridge in the beginning) Weapon/ Equipment List -Battles Rifle (8) -Assault Rifle (2) -SMG (4) -Plasma Rifle (4) -Carbine (2) -Brute Shot (2) -Sniper Rifle (1) -Shotgun (1) -Rocket Launcher (1) -Frag Grenade (2) -Plasma Grenade (2) -Power Drain (2) -Bubble Shield (1) Supported Gametypes: (Team Games recommended... FFA, is supported but not recommended) -All CTF variants -Slayer Variants -KOTH Variants -V.I.P. Variants (Try Escort with VIP with overshield) -Territories Variants Download Mutable
FIRST... i liked alot of the map but some parts i didnt like... i can tell u put alot of work into it... interlocking is nice... geomerging is nice... the map appeal is there i wold just edit the layout a bit... keep it up the maps look good.... creative w/ the movable bridge and the quick route... thats pretty cool
Geez you released this fast! Haha I saw it last night in its beta version, and I have to say I was pretty impressed. I haven't played it yet, but your setup seemed pretty solid. Anyway, I wish you would've tested it for another week or so, as the probability's fairly high that you'll notice something amiss and have to make a v2. I'm downloading now, and if I get a game together I'll give you some feedback. Perhaps if it plays well enough it could become a part of Debo Night 2008?
This is really cool. Its inovative with the bridge thing. It aids the gameplay too. The aesthetics are still pretty good no matter what u say i mean theres telewriting and it still looks cool. good job u have my dl and i can already tell the gameplay will rock
This map looks great i like how u merged the teleporters into the interlocked wall and put the shotgun there I will download this map when i get my xbox fixed 5/5 Great Job : ]
Looks to open for me, and those crates should have weapon holders or teles over them so that don't asplode everywhere =P
Ahh, good old Evan with a brand new map. This is, to me at least, One of the most creative maps ive seen yet. I havent really gotten a game in yet, but from my Forgethru, I am very impressed. You shall be getting a review from me tommorow, as i cant get a hold of any of my friends right now. For now, I give you a 5/5. Cheers! Desert Rat 852
Looks fun, but I think this should be in casual maps, rather than Competitive. I like the barriers and bridge, but I don't see it working great for a competitive situation. I spose I'll have to find out. 4/5 =P
woo hoo, youve posted again. this looks ok, but like u said, theres not too many amazing aesthetics, not perticularily great, but gameplay is in the end, really what counts. i like how you used telewriting to give your map a nice aesthetic touch to it. and the bridge ramp, thats a square shape, really looks nice. the fact that youve used movable objects in your map again, shows that your creativity spands a much larger horizon, than a large portion of forgers. since its symetrical, i know its balanced, and the use of movable objects, to obstruct the flow of gameplay, im sure will be much more effective, than in your previous map. ill get you my comments when i get a chance to play on it. good job Evan
you mind telling me what you would change about the layout? personally, this is the only way i see the main idea with the destructible geometry working. Eh, you might be right. I'm a bit wary on some gametypes i didnt get to test as much... i was really focused on testing Multi-Flag. But I am pretty confident that most of the gametypes will play well. All the respawn zones are pretty much the same for every gametype, and there was not much problems at all for slayer or CTF (main games i tested a lot) honestly, did you even read, or even understand, the post? the whole point is for the crates to fall to destroy the pathway. It's called a destructible bridge... DESTRUCTIBLE Glad to see someone who DL's the map before commenting. thanks for the positive feedback already, I'm eager to see that review. again, it's obvious that not everybody reads the whole post. The whole map is built around team objective games. Mostly CTF. how in the world could this not play good for competitive situations after reading my whole explanation??? believe me, after my mant test sessions, this map was very intense and very competitive thanks for the positive comment metallic, i've seen you've given out a couple long reviews for some maps you've played by other users... i hope i get one of those too, lol =P. anyway, i really haven't seen anybody try using movable geometry in the same ways i do... al tho II Ace Masta II did somewhat pull off destructible columns pretty well. thanks to the people who left good comments...
Looks like a great map. I'm not sure how well the barrier idea will work, but I'll have to play with some friends to find out. 4/5
From what you addressed in neg reping me - You having stated the gametype it was created for has absolutely no effect on whether or not it works well in a competitve way. Essentially: there was a point to my first post. It was me trying to be helpful in suggesting this map would be more at home in a casual situation. Instead of adressing my post, you neg rep me because I suggested your map might not play well? Mate, its not that big a deal.
Looks like another great map, Evan. You definitely have a nak for using movable items in map geometry. I usually only use them as a way to jump on top of a box. That destroyable bridge is pretty freekin' sweet. It is sure to mix gameplay up, especially in objective types, in a way that is not seen too often. And like you said, this does look very pleasing to the eye along with great for gameplay and very well balanced. As for suggestions, I might try putting a weeeee bit more cover in some parts. I will definitely download this and see how it plays.
Wow, this looks really good I think I'll probably download this. I especially like your subtle but effective geomerging and interlocking. Not also to mention that it is also meant for capture the flag, one of my favorite gametypes.
kool map! it really stands out, especially with that crate thing. it may be a bit open but im sure itll k for gameplay, im lookin foward to it!
lol, actually i said it wasn't as pleasing to the eye as my other maps felipe... whoops. anyway, i can see how it might look a bit open to you and like a lot of others said, but i think you'll find while playing that the cover and openness is just right for having a good intense game. if there's too much cover, gameplay will get slow and boring due to the short lines of sight. when it's too open, it's boring because you won't spawn safely that much and you'll be shot at from all angles. I was personally satisfied with both the cover and the lines of sight. but that's me so my opinion is a little biased =P after a couple explosions from grenades, brute shots, or rockets, the crates will be knocked off their spawn and either fall off their teleporter or disappear since it was knocked off the spawn point. right on bro, CTF ftw!
Honestly, ever map that gets posted nowadays is amazing. This map is great, almost feature material if you add some more stuff. 5/5 Dl'ed.
okay so i played about 3 slayer games on it and a ctf game and its really fun. the only thing u need to improve on is the crates, all you need to do is give them a shorter respawn time and maybe the rocks too. great map man!