KNIFE EDGE Knife Edge is a close-range map optimized for slayer (4v4 max.) It has a main centre piece of a floated ladder holding the rocket launcher. With two symmetrical pieces with side. The map also has an "underground tunnel". The tunnel is split into two parts. One containing a shotgun and one containing a mauler. The tunnel does go all the way around the map however the tunnel goes up through the bases then back down to the tunnel (the screenshots should clear things up) Please download Knife Edge it a well thought out map and I hope you like it. Created by dan scfc and I ELITE BR I. Weapon List 6x BR 2x Carbine 1x Spiker 1x SMG 1x Mauler 1x Shotgun 1x Rocket Launcher 4x Frag Grenades 4x Plasma Grenades Equipment List 1x Regenerator 1x Power Drain THE MAP BIRDS EYE VIEW 1 BIRDS EYE VIEW 2 B BASE STAIRS TO MAULER TUNNEL MAULER TUNNEL SHOTGUN TUNNEL A BASE WEAPON SPAWNS CARBINE SPAWN ROCKETS SPAWN SHOTGUN SPAWN MAULER SPAWN ACTION SHOTS ELITE BR showing that getting rockets first is vital A little battle going on in the centre of the map dubbed "THE PIT" War in 'A' Base Gettin' BR'd FAQ Q:Why did you call it 'Knife Edge'? A:Opened the English dictionary- coolest name on the first page I turned to... Q: OMG! Why is their no Sniper? A: We tested this map with a sniper and people were just sitting by the Carbine Spawn with a regenerator. We realised it would get a lot of people angry but we decided to leave it out in the best interests of the map.... Q: Why is it so easy to get out of? A: We could make some super-excuse but we forgot the money glitch...simple as. Hey, they're just ruining their own game.... DOWNLOAD 'KNIFE EDGE' HERE If you like this map, please download it. Also, honest opinions are essential. They will help us improve our forging. Have a good one, dan scfc and I ELITE BR I
The map looks great and eye appealing. The middle area called the pit needs a barrier on both sides. You seem like a great forger and I can't wait to see your next map. 4/5.
that looks REALLY nice... smooth interlocking... flat geo merging... layout seemed nice... maybe rockets were a bit too much but im not a rocket person... nice map tho i want to see more post from u
Is there a roof on this map? if not I could see tons of ways to get out and camp, you might want to fix that, 4/5
First off, THANKS for all the replies it means a lot. I did mention the getting out thing. I won't make any excuses, getting out of the map is a big thing here. However, we think that the map is so good, this deserves to be overlooked. But like I said before, please post HONEST replies. Also, we tested the hell out of this map, there is hardly any camping what so ever...
Looks nice but too open in the main part of the map, Try interlocking walls into those double boxes so that people can crouch behind them when getting shot. It's easy to do. 4.1/5 and a download. EDIT: there's also a way outside the map, Know what it is? Grenade Jump.
Honestly, if you think your map is SO GOOD, to make it escapable, then your wrong. here at forge hub, if we make a good map, we have the apreciation of our creation to make sure it isnt EXTREMELY escapable. this CANNOT be looked over, because you obviously havent cared enough to fix the problem. seriously too, how many people do you think would play in this game without running out of the map immidiately? even if testing it has been long, you have to finesh up with it being innescapable. use the infinite budget glitch for more money next time if you need to. take a look at some of the featured maps, theyre all escapable, but this would take no time whatsoever. im sorry, and im not trying to be a jerk, but this is a pretty bad problem. and please, dont rate your own map. 2.5/5
Looks good but theres nothing really interesting or creative. It's all been done before but you did a pretty decent job with the interlocking and design. Also, you should make sure people can't grenade jump out of the map becuz thats just no fun. Sorry metallic snake went crazy on you, I can't believe he has a higher rep than me. My one suggestion is to add something to your map that will make people say " Wow, I've never seen anything like that before!" Do something extremely creative or difficult and your map will stand out. Good luck and keep making maps =) EDIT the guy below me is being a jerk about it too, what has forgehub become?
I know they said this before (im gunna be harsh) i would never DL if you can get out it totally makes a 5/5 map into a 1/5 map,too many power weapons, not original, and seems very bland. make a v2 and improve all those things and i might actually consider downloading (sorry for being so harsh, the interlocking and all that looks smooth though)
Thanks for replies. I seriously don't mind you being harsh. It will help us build a better map next. The getting out thing is bad I know but the map was so nearly finished that we decided to release it and see what you think then take that response into our next map. Fixing the getting out problem would involve complete rescaling the map. Don't worry, I'll make my next map un-escapeable
It looks pretty good, just needs some cover along the sides, plus like people said, getting out of the map looks way too easy. If you fix I'll download. Peace.
This map looks like it can have nice gameplay and the interlocking stands out very well on this map as well. I suggest you add a little bit more to the pit in the middle perhaps more ways out or a fusion coil pit. Good Job
it wouldnt hurt to make a v2 and make it inescapable the interlocks are good flip the middle bridge geomerge double boxes diagonaly to make ramps instead of the dumpsters