Ipod decision ..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Boydeh .., Sep 14, 2008.

  1. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Well right now i have the old ipod mini ..


    And i like it but its getting old and its breaking ..
    Like it runs out of battery randomly and if i turn it off and leave it in my bag when i go to school it'll be dead by the time i go to listen on way home ..

    Okay so i have £115 from my birthday ..
    And i'm looking at getting the ipod nano ..


    Its 8gb for £109 ..
    But i was wondering if its any good .. I have searched about it but i would love it if someone who has it could do a little review for me ..

    And if not do you have any other ipods which would be cheaper then £115?

    Thanks for help

    boydy =]
    A SouthPark Kid likes this.
  2. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Personally, I think you should get the new Nano, they look sweet, they have have the screen flipping thing, they are bright and colorful, especially the screens, and there just awesome.
  3. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    I like the positive feedback about the new ipod nano ..
    Whats the battery like though?
  4. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    My Mini did the same thing. Battery failure.

    I got a video nano, works fine.
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Is there any possibility of you getting the new iTouch?
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    The new Touch is sweet, but the nano is great too. Battery life and usability is top par.
  7. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    The iPod Touch would be preferred...it's so ****in' awesome...

    But I have the new nano, it's great. It plays videos and music. And it's sooper dooper small. (That's what she said.)

    EDIT: The battery life is so long. It lasts like hours and hours and you won't even have it run out on you unless you start listening to it when it is low.
  8. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i love my touch as of now. you can do ANYTHING with a touch. I wouldn't be able to live without it and there is no way i could go back to a nano.

    If i were you id check out the new touch.
  9. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Unless you've reached a maximum capacity for you other iPod, don't buy a new one.
  10. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    I'd go with the 3G nano instead of 4G.

    It has a longer battery, the screen is bigger, and it's not as tall. But it's all preference, for 115 you probably can't get a touch, so nano is optimal.
  11. Hitmonkey

    Hitmonkey Ancient
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  12. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    I have almost filled it up ..
    Like 10 songs left ..!
  13. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    The screen is basically the same size and it has the same aspect ratio. So I recommend the newest one. I never really liked the 3g's shape.

    I actually am planning on getting an ipod soon and can't seem to decide on the touch or the new nano. It will most likely end up being the touch though. Any thoughts on that?
  14. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    How much music do you listen to? That's a deciding factor.

    Also, would you put videos on it?

    I have an 80gig classic, and it's awesome. Those are actually probably pretty cheap, seeing as there is currently a 120 gig out there.
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    It comes down to what you can afford. If you can get a 16 gig touch, then go for it, but an 8 gig touch is so limited by storage space that I wouldn't bother with it. I just recently bought the 32 gig touch (upgraded from a 3rd gen ipod), and I have it half filled now...about 8 gigs (800ish songs) worth of music and about 8 gigs worth of video(6 movies and 4 tv shows). I'm still looking for some solid apps which will take up even more room.

    Anyways...onto the OP about the nano: I think you'd really enjoy the new nano. Its SO much smaller than your current mini...you won't realize how significant the difference until you hold one. I can tell you that you'll love having a color screen as well. What size is your current mini? My guess is that its a 4 gig, so if you bought the cheapest nano you'd double the size of you current ipod. Not too shabby. If you can, get the 16 gig. Having movies on my ipod has saved me from bordom many times.

    Here in america we have an ipod recycling program at our apple stores where if you turn in your old ipod, they give you 10% off you new ipod. You may want to look into that and see if its available where you live.

    Now is the perfect time to get a new ipod. They just refreshed the line so I wouldn't expect to see any radical changes for at least another year.
    the other dark likes this.
  16. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Size isn't really much of a problem for me right now. I don't have that many songs. Its mainly between the cost of the nano and the touch, and their features.
  17. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    NO NOT THE NANO!!!!!
    GET A TOUCH!!!!
    listen to the pictures!!!!
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The touch wins hands down on features...that's a no brainer, and in America the 8 gig nano costs $150, the 16 gig nano costs $200 while the 8 gig touch costs $230.
  19. cB fROm aK

    cB fROm aK Ancient
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    One of the new colored nano's look good, but they're not that different from the classic nano. I have an iTouch myself, and it's a good iPod. I use the Youtube on it a lot, but the internet is slow. (incase you were considering spending extra money for some extra features.) But as for the new colored nano, the only difference is more color options. But I'd definetly suggest upgrading to a Touch ;)
  20. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    He doesn't have the old school nano....he has the even more old school mini....which I believe was made around 2003-2004. It doesn't even have a colored screen yet....and the storage space on it is very small, not to mention the small screen on it. If its anything like my old 3rd gen iPod, then it gets terrible battery life. Buying a new iPod will be a HUGE upgrade for you.

    It seems like he is limited by price, so the 109 iPod seems like his only option, but if you can I'd see if you can buy the 150 version. The touch seems a bit out of reach as far as price goes.

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