I havent been on for awhile, but ive still been active in Halo. I have recently finished my map "Trapped". It is a small map for slayer. I would not recomend playing with any more than three people on it. Its a rather fun map, and i kind of got the idea for it from guardian. Its hard to take decent pictures because of its size. You can download it here: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Well hope you like it.
Hm, it looks good, and I can see you used the interlocking technique in a couple places. However, from your pictures, its difficult to get a feel of what the overall map looks like. Try to get some more pictures, and if possible, an overhead view.
Looks good but raise the bridges more there not high ewnough that you wont have to jump to get to the next floor.
well it looks really nice... smooth interlocking n such... i would like to see more pictures or some way to no wat the layout is like cause this doesnt give me a great idea... sounds like a nice idea n map... but n dl from me sorry... 4/5 from wat i can see
I suggest you remove the roof and take some overview pictures. Then I would get a better feeling about the map. From what I can see the map looks pretty good.
From what I can see it looks very nice. It needs more pics, and I'd like to see action in the pictures. 4.5/5
Is it just me, or does the link not work? When i click it, it comes up with a forum error. It does look very small, but if you are saying no more than 3 pllayers, it might work very well. I was going to dl it, but....i'll just wait until the link gets sorted. Would be nice to have an overview, to see the layout and such. :-( Oh well, it looks pretty neat, so....yeah.