Thanks, I'll definately work on those pallets. The only reason I didn't interlock the boxes of the fort in the first place is because i thought it would have made it alot smaller (And I didn't really have time to =] )[I might post some of my more interlocked maps in time) Yeah, so thanks people, hopefully i'll edit it a bit later and maybe post the new version soon.
i like what i see - great interlocking and ideas gone into this map - it looks like you took along time to make this and plan this map and it looks like a great map for playing on -- 8/10
One star?! Bullshit! I rated this a 5 so it could be bumped up to a 3. I'm really tired of map trolls going over to peoples' maps and rating them a 1 for no reason. Obviously, based on the quality of the map and the post, this map deserves more, ESPECIALLY FOR A FIRST POST. Anyways, I'll stop ranting and actually critique. I really like the fort, especially in the aesthetics department. You have some creative thinking when it comes down to the map geometry. I downloaded, and will check it out further. Great job. And keep forging man. PS - Do the man cannons in the fort launch you to each corner of the map? If this is the case, it would probably be hella crazy with air battles!
This map looks pretty cool. I like the forts and the cool aesthetic touches on the center piece. I hope this plays as good as it looks!
This map looks nice I like the setup of it, not very original setup but fits for the gameplay. Nice interlocking, I wouldnt have added the grav ifts in the middle that would get annoying after a while. Also some of the people in this thread have been spamming a lot. Please do not just post " Nice map giving a dowload " Please type a paragraph at least Ty Overall good job 4.2/5
First, JSlayer, no, the man cannons do not launch people, they do however turn plasma's and frags around in a different direction, so don't try and stick a guy if he's in the middle. =] Also, thank you very much for the comment. And I am currently in the middle of making an FFA map. I already put another map on bungie, but havnt had the time to put it here.(If you wanna take a look it's called MLG ArrowHead) BJFPoyver- It's quite basic actually, I just put all three powerups together using a weapon holder then deleted the weapon holder. Thanks for the ratings so far people. =D