First of all, I don't even know why I named this map 'The Fort'. For all I know, this is the worst fort you'll ever see. I am completely new to forging, I don't know any of the advanced tricks. This is my first map. Ever. So I came up with a map idea in Foundry...I thought it was going to be epic. It would be an asymmetrical Offence/Defence map. The Offence would attack and find several ways to get through the defence, grab the flag, and then find a way back. The Defence would protect the flag. They would have a Sniper tower where they can snipe attackers from. The tower would be destoyable so when someone destroys it, the Sniper guy would have an epic moment where he tries to survive. There would be a hidden way where attackers could go in through unnoticed. I thought it would be great...and...well I tried to make it...and this is what I have done now. ---The Fort--- Here's 2 short videos that I made by controlling 4 players at once (actually 2 at once but overall, 4) | Halo 3 Video | Video | The Port "Gameplay" | Halo 3 Video | Video | The Port, Teh Secret Place So that's all I have on the computer...I haven't tested it out yet since I have no friends. The map is in my Fileshare. My gamertag is: gazas So what do you say?
idk why you say you don't know any advanced tricks. i see interlocking, and geomerging, and this map actually dosn't look to bad. the destryable sniper tower is actually pretty cool. that was a good idea. but you honestly should have tested it. if you don't have any friends then just use the testers guild. one tip i have is to flip the boxes and bridges upside down, because the bottoms of them are smoother
Welcome to ForgeHub. Yeah the testers guild link is right Map Testing - Forge Hub Halo Forums Thell test ur map and stuff. Looks like youve already checked out forge 101 but in case u havent heres the link Forging 101 - Forge Hub Halo Forums On with the map, the destroyable tower is a cool idea. It looks might u might want to put more ways to get on the boxes but u have plenty of cover and this looks like a good map. One bad thing is the armoury at the begining try to spread out ur weapons. I like the geomerging and interlocking, u dont see alot of that from new members. all in all good map keep on forgin
I can't believe that this is your first map, it is really really good. I like the destroyable sniper tower idea. (One thing- does it respawn, cause if it does, it might cause havoc for gameplay because of the crates that had been there before might push the new ones around) It looks really so simple(that isn't bad) but so amazing at the same time, I applaud you for that. I agree with stratigon that you should spread that weapons out a bit, because otherwise it will be to easy to get weapons and ammo. Aside from that, I can only see one tiny bit of merging that doesnt look so good, and thats the fencebox with the shield door in it, I'm not sure if it's the picture or not, but the fence box doesn't look like it's completely straight. Real good map. 4.5/5
not the best map i have ever seen but looks ok -- maybe learn new skills / ask other people what they would like from a map / spend more time on it but altogether a desent map - 8/10
That's just the picture, they are completely straight. Thanks for the comments everyone, I'm gonna spread out the weapons as you said.
idk why you say you don't know any advanced tricks. i see interlocking, and geomerging, and this map actually dosn't look to bad. I can't believe that this is your first map, it is really really good. I like the destroyable sniper tower idea. Nice work and keep forging!
I thought those were the basics. Either way, I didn't interlock too much. Thanks for the comments everyone, the map is off my fileshare since I should fix some things and then test it.
Did anyone watch the video btw? All of my friends missed it somehow so if didn't look at it, the links are there.