I always like it when people make MLG maps that aren't on Foundry. It's really unique and stands out more. This map is very clean and is GREAT for FFA. It's just like a better cold storage for MLG lovers.
Agh. I've been gone for a week and there's nothing new?! Man. I was hoping for something when I got back.
Damn good looking map. The access ramps are awesome, this should be accepted into the circuit! My only complaint is that there could be more BRs. 5/5, I want to see one on Blackout....
hmm good map however it looks extremely bumpayy from pics, idk. and aslo the map is a litte cluttered, it just has to many ramps and walkways
Could you please explain why? Oh, wait, you've just been spamming all the maps in the MLG Forum with a similar message. That's right. I forgot. EDIT: v1.7 is coming!! Added some geomerging and smoothed walkways along with adjusted weapon placement. I'm also blocking of a few doors to see how it will affect gameplay. The door changes are not final, as am I currently playtesting. I could use more playtesters though. If you'd like to help me test, my GT is the same. Thanks for taking a look at my map.
Good job with this man. You used lots of Cold Storage's space, especially awesome for an MLG map. Everything flows now. Everything seems very smooth and neat. Every other Cold Storage map out there goes too far, but you balanced this one out. Final Score: 5/5 Theres not much more you could have done with this to stick with the MLG theme, and you obviously took your time.
nice strait smooth map - great looking best map i have seen on coldstorage but rockets and plasma pistles on mlg??? 7/10
Yeah, there are Rockets and Plasma Pistlos in MLG, but in v1.7, I'm getting rid of Rockets and moving the Plasma Pistol to the Orange Flood Room. Rockets will be replaced with a Mauler or a Sniper, I haven't decided yet.