(Above: The B Base, an symmetrical copy of the A Base) MLG Leverage v2 is an MLG-style map, compatable with Slayer, CTF, and Oddball. The map is perfectly symmetrical, made for 2-8 players, and is good for Head-to-Head, Doubles, Slayer, or Objective. (Above: The Center of the map, a hollowed-out structure containing the only mauler on the map.) I named the map Leverage because it can be navigated with a few simple jumps. You can make it from one end to the other without touching the ground, you just have to know where to jump. (Above: The Right Side of the map. The boxes provide cover for players on the ground and a faster way to move across on the 2nd level.) Leverage v2 is now interlocked, so it runs a lot smoother than the first version. I added carbines to the map, got rid of the trucks and forklifts, and added more cover on the ground. I also made the surrounding walls a lot higher and cleaner so the map is harder to get out of. Everything in v2 is cleaner and runs smoother, so enjoy. (Above: The Left Side of the map. The boxes provide cover as while as platforms to jump to.) *Note: BRs, Carbines, Snipers, and a Mauler are the only weapons on the map, so BR Starts are Highly Recommended. Download Here: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing (Tell me what you think) -biscuit127
this is actually pretty cool looking, you have interlocked well, theres no geomerging, but thats ok, the map is well built, nice job.
Hey I like the idea of the map and i think it would play great because there is a lot of cover on the map. I d/led and I'll try to play on it tonight when I test out some of my newly downloaded F.H maps. I don't know if I'm right but in some areas where double boxes and other objects are up against the wall I think you could have geometry merged them to make them more clean and to make it get more downloads. My technique for geo merging objects into walls and the ground is to... First, spawn your object and place it up against the ground or wall where you want it. Then, surround the box or other object with window panels or walls, both work good. Then what you can do is spawn 4 doors and put them so the top of the door is going into the box. To morph the object into the wall or ground by just quickly clicking the object and letting go, and the object should morph into the map geometry. If you already knew this technique sorry, just helping cuz i think your map idea is great.
It looks really nice, why do I get the feeling I'm going to be playing MLG on this map alot! 5/5 DL for me!
Its a great map I see you added some interlocking which is good but it really doesn't need it, the gameplay looks good a little work could be added here and there but its a cool looking map. 4/5
Nice job Looks like a cool map with interesting structures. Good interlocking but (V2?) change the spawns/add more. Well done on the weapon placement.
looks inc. well built nice interlocking isnt the most eye catching mlg map ever... and the midle section looks bumpy but it still looks fine
I have to say that this is not that bad, you could have used interlocking in some of the pictures... But nothing major... The center piece is weird... How do you get up there... Mabye you can't because I saw nothing. I think you added to many weapons. I saw two weapons in every picture... Mabye fix that up.
Very Nice! I think top center may be too powerful, but that might just be me. Neat interlocking, good design, and great playability. 4.5/5
I haven't downloaded it, so I can't give a detailed description of gameplay. But what I can see from the pictures. Goods, 1- A refreshing new look to a 2-based symmetrical. 2- Plenty of BR ammo. 3- Middle structure has a new look and looks like it would suit gameplay. Bads, 1- 2-based symmetrical maps don't usually suit Snipers.( I don't know about this on your map, because I haven't played on it. But I'm just going by what usually happens.) 2- Movable objects such as barriers need to be immovable. To do this all you have to do is place weapon holders or a receiver teleporter on top. 3- In the pictures I can see a lot of grenades. You might want to get rid of some of those because it can result in grenade spamming.
this map is in no way good. everyone that thinks its good is retarded. sorry but dont place noob maps in the mlg section. this is a poor built and very sloppy map. please go to the videos on this site and learn how to interlock and make ur map a lot less sloppy
No I was thinking the same thing, it looks a little too asymmetric. If the map itself is symmetrical, and you have asymmetric bases, it's cool because it just differentiates the bases... Also, you need to have weapon holders on all your immovable objects.. ie. barriers, wire spools, and any crates you may have. And I'm pretty sure your weapon respawns aren't MLG...so if they aren't Here's the MLG weapon and power up respawn times.. Other than that the map looks pretty good, and the centerpiece is very interesting.
Thanks for the spawn advice... I'll make a much cleaner v3 of Leverage with some more interlocking and immovable barriers... Stunnah the map is interlocked, not perfectly but enough to be give you a smooth run. Maybe if you played on my map instead of wasting your time flaming on my less-than-perfect pics you'd figure that out.
nice job for your first map and keep up the good work -- try to interlock more and your netness could be better 7/10