Today is the worst day ever. I just found out my best friend Overdosed and died this morning And i got fired from my job this morning. God i feel like killing my self my life is outa control p.s. RIP Jeff, i will love you forever.
Ahh that sucks so bad, dont kill yourself its just something that happens. Think positive to yourself and youll be fine. Everything happens for a reason, so look forward to your best day of your life.
Don't kill yourself... or listen to Reynbow. I'm sorry to hear that your friend died and that you've been fired but **** like this happens. My grandfather died a few months ago and I just have to say that grief is weird. It will hit you like a sack of doorknobs when you least expect it.
Think positive and try to smile! EDIT: Look at your shoop da woop picture and watch the "Lazer collection" on Youtube!
Bro, I don't even know what to say. I can't tell you how sorry I am. This **** happens though, and it sucks. One of my best friends brothers had this happen to him as well. All 3 of his best friends passed in the same year. Theres nothing you can do about it, I truely am sorry.
Alright, let's stop any incoming flame wars. I'm deleting all fighting posts. This thread is about the OP's topic only.
Dude that sucks. ODed? Wow, that is really sad. I am sorry for your loss. I have never lost a friend but I know what it is like to lose someone close to you.
yea i just found out the COD. He took 6 morphine tablets witch slowed his whole body down causing a heart attack followed by death....
I'm so sorry for you ,because I know how you feel (my great uncle just passed away),but you got fire3d on the same day,I dought that can make the sun come out.Hope you get to feeling better,and dont kill yourself.
I'm sorry. It's normal to feel out of control when a thing as horrible as this comes up in your life, but you can't turn to suicide. You've gotta think on the good side of things in your life and your friends life. You just have to do your best to turn it around and get back on track. I'm completely sorry about your friend, that's horrible. Also about your job, hopefully you can get another one.
Don't follow your friends mistake. Instead, use him as an example to help others out of their trouble. The best happiness is helping others who thank you.
Dont kill yourself because of your friend's poor descision. And a job is a job you can get a new one eventually. Suicide is never the answer.