He's implying that people will get others to rep them just so that they will have more rep. That's rep whoring.
It reminds me of the same situation of the bungie favorites, the people should decide for BF and for FH I don't think so.
I like the system. A good map rarely goes under the radar because we have that forum where members can request. Its not a direct vote its more like a nomination so that the best forgers or people with forge experience can chose the best of the best. The featured maps lately have been from a lot of underground forgers and they've all been good.
You mean people like Admin, Staff, Mods, Premiums and Loyals? Damn now why didn't anyone else think of that.
thats a good idea.. there should be a voting thing and if you get a certen number of people or more voting that you should have feature but then people might cheat... going for 70
not every member has the experience and intelligence to pick out good maps. The staff does a great job. If it aint broken dont fix it