What up fellow forge homies, Tex here, introducing myself to the Forgehub.com community. I love forge and the endless possibilities it presents creative gamers. I've made a few maps myself so far, some better than others, but all worth a look. Unfortuantely, due to shameless bumping in my own threads in the Halo 3 files forum, I am just finishing up my 2 month long blacklist sentence... So i can't post my maps for about another 10 days or so. However, wanted to give the community the assurance that i fully intend on following the forum rules and have ditched my bumping ways. Just a heads up tho..when i am able to post my maps again there will be a wave of LIGHSOUT225 maps hitting these forums. Hopefully you will enjoy my creations, and I am looking forward to becoming a valuable part of the forgehub community. Perhaps even a guilder sometime down the line (after i meet the qualifying standards) TEX GT: LIGHTSOUT225
Hey, welcome to forge hub. I will be waiting to see your maps. What section will they be in (competitive, casual, race, mini game, or aesthetic?). Anyways, we will see if you can make it to guilder, good luck with that and good luck with your forging. Hope to see you around, -Coyote
thanks. they will be posted in the competitive maps forum. I've noticed a couple of my maps names have already been used (such as elevation and stronghold) which is unfortunate. However since they were made about 2 months ago, i see no reason to change their names. hopefully there wont be too much confusion.. the embeded pics should be evidence enough i suppose. If i come up with some new names that i think fit the maps i might switch them, but as of this point there hasnt been too many ideas come to mind. we shall see i guess. thanks for the welcome, see ya around homie
Good luck with your maps I hope they do well and welcome. (Also a word of advice don't try any of that bumping here.)
Good luck, and don't forget to read: How To Post Your Map (Read before posting) before posting your map.
i've already read it, but thank you. i plan on following all forum rules, and i am very excited to be able to share my maps with such a great community of advanced forgers. only 5 more days!!