A resurection of my first map ever. I remade it the other day. Anyways, This is a race for Sandtrap. Every land vehicle is at the beginning of the race except the Wraith and the Scorpion. The starting line is a row of snipers in between two drop pods. I'll add that pic soon What I added was 4 power drains to be used as a starter. Have somebody pick one up, throw it out, then get in there vehicle. When it blows up you start racing. Anyways, onto the pictures/explanation. Spawn Garage - Start line is to the right. First Turn Second Turn Up and Around Fourth Turn Either Side of the Elephant - Your Choice Fifth Turn You can Either go Over Around Or Through the Wall Come Back to the Beginning And Around This Elephant - Either Way This map, sadly, does require a little but of the honor rule. It's hard for this size of a map. Keep track of your own laps. A lap is counted when you cross the start line AFTER going around the elephant. It's really fun, it would be better if the honor rule wasn't required. The gametype is slayer because you can't have it as VIP to count the laps. Plus, I have no more money to add teleporters and stuff for the anti-cheat issue. Everyone is Invulnerable, Unlim grenades, Plasma Pistol/BR starts. Plasma Pistol and Unlim Grenades are for if you want to do a team up match. Have somebody in the passenger and attack the other teams so you can win. Download Gametype Map
interesting. I have not seen many race maps on sandtrap. Looks pretty good. I'll dl and check it out.
I'm actually messing around on it right now if anyone wants to join. And thanks for thinking it has some potential. :]
ive never seen that thing you did with the ghost that was creative i really like the map and i dont like race maps that much dont get me rong there really well built i wish i could have the time but i dont. any way really good map ill dl now and get back to you
Do yourself a favor and, if you're planning on making a v3 of this, go get the Sandtrap Money Glitched Canvas. That way, you won't have to worry about the budget, and the only thing you have to really consider is the number of each object you can place. Also, if you plan on forging on a new map, you can find the thread that contains all money glitched canvases here. As for the map, I had a brief runthrough, and some of the turns (esp. the "round and about" along the main structure) are simply not visible, requiring a couple of trials to figure out what actually was intended, but that can be solved with just placing more objects in general.
Sandtrap racing is ridiculously hard to manage so i do not see why you would attempt it. It was a good shot but certain people who spawn in a certain spot will definately win. Also, there is no scoring mechanism.
I mentioned a scoring mechanism, keep track of it yourself. And I know about the budget glitch, I just decided to make it within the maps limit. I don't like glitching the map.
Why not have it VIP, but like rocket race, with the score points all around the course, so you have 10 things, and you score up to like, 50 or so, then its 5 laps. Only problem then would be people just cutting up to the point they haven't got yet. I think it'd work well that way. Say you have one each corner, one around the elephants, and one at the finish line, or something. If it was a close race people would all be following the course mostly anyway.
You have a point there.... I guess I could make different variations of a VIP gametype. I'll definately consider doing that, thanks for the idea.
the problem with that is that if two people are closely racing against each other and one pulls ahead just before the 1/3 lap VIP-point, then the person behind him will also finish the same lap right next to him, but score no points. then the person in front could get like 5 points in one lap while everyone else gets zip. then they would just get frustrated and just cut through stuff to actually get a VIP point.
Yup, Hydro has a point there... Hmm. I made it as best I could for Sandtrap. Thank you all for feedback. Now off to go do something unintelligible.