An obstical course made by chao365 chao584 BIG PAPPA148 and ironman321. this map is played by gametype obsticals The spawn points of obstical course. Also a locked up room find your way out Watch out for the fusion and propane tanks. dont want to start over Use your sword to move the crates The outside of the map. sorry i forgot the link. the map and game is here
i love obsticle course maps but you have the same pic twice and the map looks kinda small some more pics would be nice also id hate to tell you but unless you get a link in there to the dl you might get locked by a mod
definately this needs more pictures and a better description... i dont no anything about this sept for an explosion and sword to knock boxes over... i think that this might be worth the dl but i cant tell if its any good or not...
im sorry but there are better obstacle courses out there. I give it a 2/5, for the map, interlock the outside walls, i dont know if you did so add more pictures of the obstacles, hopefully the are challenging then maybe i'll dl
Yeah, there are much, much more obstacle courses with much more planning and much less lag than this. I'm sorry, but from the 3 different pictures, this honestly looks like something a 6-year old could make, and an eight-year old could post. 1/5