Please leave your comments! This is my first race track. I spent about a month off and on with 2 other amazing forgers(Incredible Gulk and wv The King wv). It has two handicap stalls with six other mongooses an intense start with an overpass right after which goes into a floating winding road. Then you go over a balance beam a U-Turn and then the finish by ramming into a wall and falling which brings you back to the beginning. It is very fast paced but there is room for error so if you're behind you can still catch up. Works great with any number of players 2-8. You get a point each time in the hill and it goes to 5. I used a bunch of techniques to give it a clean look. Also it is totally cheat proof, guaranteed! Start: First Turn: Slanted Turn going up: Slanted Turn going down: Overpass: Winding Road: Balance Beam: Penalty for falling off Beam: U-Turn and where those who fall re-enter: Finish: Hill: Starting again: Overview: Download Map Below : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Game Below : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Please leave your comments. Thanks
That is spam, please keep it to Private Messages or leave that kind of comment of his Profile. I'm just letting you know and I won't give you - rep because your new to the site. Anyways about the map. The interlocking looks really good but could be cleaned up a little bit. It looks good for a race map, though I hope you go the turns to work because if you don't do it right you could get stuck in the turn. I really don't like the balance beam idea because unless its easy to get across then I would become a huge nuisance the get go over it every lap. All in all a good map, could use some tidying up but I'll give it a 4/5. Welcome to Forge Hub!
I thought the race map should be a little challenging. The only turn you can mess up on is the slanted one but i find it easy still. Also the balance beam is pretty easy too. It is there to create more excitement. Thanks for the comment and sorry about the message i took it off
It alright I just thought I'd him know before he got flamed by someone, and I'm glad the balance beam is easy to use because like I said it could be a huge pain to go over and fall of.
Well over all it looks like a very fun race track. The aesthetics are ok but that has not matter in race tracks. I give it a 3/5, some banked turns but could of used some more intresting things like big interlocking banked turns etc.
Although interlocked banked turns look really good i wanted to make the map more challenging and exciting. I thought a banked turn wouldnt fit in with the map idea Thanks for your comment
wow this looks really nice... its definately original too never have i seen anything like this... the start was really nice... the back to start was creative... the BALANCE BEAM sounds fun cause its a nice place to seperate the people specially if someone is right on ur tail nice... i want to see more like THIS