Yeah i have 2 questions: How did you get 10 stairs? And how do you do the 2d designing thing. I really need to know!!! =P
Sorry ive been away for a while recently (college), i'll answer those unanswered questions now. Thank you Bass Forger . I understand your worry about the shotgun with its close proximity to the shield bottom section. I have removed the problem of shotgun camping by leaving a space between to top of each shield and the middle platform. Simply all you need to do is throw a few frags in from the top and flush them out. Go about the map strategically and you'll be fine Answering your first question, theres only 8 stairs =P. Glad to hear you like the 2D map design. The way i did it was by using Adobe Flash (im sure theres similar just as good programs out there) to make an outline of the whole map, then render it with colours based on the depth (higher places are lighter, vice versa). Finally, i created smaller icon versions of weapons and added them to the map. The weapon icons are now available in a helpguide i created if you want to use them. So there it is. If you're stuck on what design program to use for making your 2D map, i would suggest going to the "graphics and arts" section of the forum as i can not think of many. Im sure some guys will be able to help you there too. Heres the link to the weapon icon helpguide i created, which you are more than welcome to use in your 2D map designs. Icons for 2D Map Designs
two things. 1. please remove the [final version] from your title. it is against the rules to have anything more than the name of the map, and v2 or whatever version you're on. 2. this is just a suggestion, but alot of people still use the old school skin... which has an offwhite background... the new skin has a dark grey background. please find a suitable color for your text that will show on either. white and yellow dont work for old school. that is your choice though. some people will just be too lazy to highlight.
I'm just wondering what program you used to draw out the map and show weapon locations. EDIT: woops you already answered my question above... I like how the stairs form a 'c' shape and I like the professional looking interlocking. I want to DL this for sure. The layout is perfection =)