The angel of Death- one of my best pics yet! please tell me what you think. link to bungie and please go rate on bungie
That is an absolutly KICKASS picture, even tho the spawn points kinda mess it up. The background and his pose are absolutly amazing! I'll definatly download!
Meh, The pic is great. The weapons put together are great, but one thing. The posture of the character is off. If he had been put there a little better, the pic would be perfect.
*Angel. What kind of angle is it? It definately doesn't look like a parpendicular 90 degree square or anything? Maybe some kind of parobola...
Lolololol Insane. sothe4963, in case you didnt know... its spelled A-N-G-E-L. Not angle. Two different things.
you should put a guide up for this, you might even get rep *hint* oh and by the way that pic is definatly a 5/5. i think the background s totally original, the weapon art is amazingly done, and his pose is kick ass! im really looking forward to the guide that you MUST put up, please dont be selfish and keep it to yourself
thanks everyone and yeah lol i kinda wasn't paying attention when i was typing it haha i know its angel it was just a typo
That is awesome!!! I love weapon art and it really impresses me when people add a spartan into it. Really nice shot.
Its nice weapon art there! But on bungie favourites theres one which is a bit neater without the spawn teardrop things .. Nice try and it looks nice still so good job and +rep!
That, is well, not really that impressive for the fact is that wings have already been done so many times. Good forgeart and i like how the wings are indentical. Though ways to improve you could of added juicy and gloomy in the picture to make it feel dark and lonesome. I only have a problem with the coloration, lighting and originality. You have good potential if you can come up with an amazing idea and forge idea, then you will become a predator.
very nicely done shame the spawn points ruine it slightly nether the less 4.5/5 .5 off because the spawn tags i think u have to hold the item there and save it in place but theres proberly a shorter prosses
personally ever sense predator did amazing art with weapons its kinda getting old when other people do it 3.5/5
sadly, this isn't creative in the slightest. So many other people have done it that its not even something to bat an eye at. Still--it looks decent.