Purple Reign looks awesome, I doubt the Forge will be any good though, . I'm still excited to see some pics of the other maps.
Me two, I will post the other maps when info and pics are released. So lets TRY to make some maps on purple reign. I do know the first name of another map I'd "Moon Base Alpha". Good Forging!
I checked it and the map looks very nice. It really does look like midship but I would say it would be a mix of Midship and Lockout/Ivory Tower. Is this the last map coming from bungie? Btw, its now called Assembly.
I know two of the guys who got to play on it at PAX. They say it's a little confusing and very covenant weapon heavy. However it's got two very distinct feels in certain areas. "...One moment your closed off and trapped inside, and someone could be around the corner waiting... ...And then you get up on top of [I assume the tower shown in the picture 'Horror Factory'] and you feel really exsposed and vunerable..." One hated the map at first saying "I will like it once I get to walk around it at my own pace." and the other. "It was okay, just about average for Bungie maps like this." Sadly they never learned of any forge ability for the map, as they aren't foprgers like myself and other of our mutual friends. We spent a day talking about the new map and i am very much awaiting for these new maps along with the remade snowbound[boundless], sandtrap[sandtarp], and epitaph[forgot the name].
I liked the original name. It fit it better and it was a prince song! Anyway it looks awesome, but we will see how the gameplay is when it is unveiled to the public.
Yea me two. I thought Purple Reign wa the best. I really can't wait for it to come out though, The PZX thing looked cool also. Its coming out now(9/2/08)and between 9/31/08. CANT WAITZZ!
Bungie cant do that to us because since halo 4 will not be confirmed they would still need to add more or else halo would be dead
I dunno what you guys think but im gonna go all out Blackout style forging off that Beautiful cliff they have there... I would think itll play like a mix of Gemini and a bit like Ivory Tower... Its asymmetrical as far as I know (correct me if Im wrong) so it should serve as a good Playing ground for some good FFA slayer or oddball games... Also (correct me again if im wrong) i believe that its a covenant map so that should poise some interesting times for Forging objects... cant wait till it comes out...