What happens when you combine a Standoff and Outer Space... The original picture: Drum roll please... THE FINISHED PRODUCT: I used stocks from deviantArt and Google Images. I also used renders from PlanetRenders.
This looks awsome. I like how you added the flood too. This map looks a lot better dark like it is now. 5/5 and I just love it! I wish I coud make one lol. I just want to know why you added the flood, but I like it!
Thanks for the feedback. I might try both of your suggestions. EDIT: I put the flood and chief in there to spice it up. It was quite boring with an 'action' scene in there.
It looks like teh moonbase. Great job. I don't think its too dark. It looks just right. The chief render looks a little messy tho.
Lol this makes me wish that standoff was a night time map. I just think that you should see what it would look like if the ground area was a bit more saturated.
To make it more realistic, add some lighting near the big star cluster. Its really good though. I lub manips!
What the...What is that thing in the bottom right? It's nice, but it looks like you darkened it too much. Also, the hue seems to feel off. It looks green.
Bottom right? I'm not sure. I don't see anything, are you high? I'm gonna change it up later when my sister gets off the laptop.