Do you all remember the good old times of lat resort maps?Well even though I made this map a long time ago(almost a year ago),it is still a map my friends and family have enjoed.Now the map isa 2-12 player map.It is basically the same but with 4 changes differe't weapon spots and some fun also there is a secret teleporter and finally almost every respawn is in the air.Ths is my first map I ever made,so I hope you enjoy.Here are some pics. now here is one side here is the other side the teleporter and wher it goes see yo respawn almot all the time and the beach defense point Well i hope you like it.Sorry no gametypes other than team slayer Heresthe link : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Map looks pretty solid. I enjoy how classic it feels. Being that its near one year old, theres not many "new" things about it like interlocking. Which in my opinion never really matters, as long as the spawns are good and the game play is good. The teleporters would probably be the only complaint I'm going to give you. I don't exactly like how they can get such a large advantage over the map with a Sniper for example. But all and all, good original classical map. Good Job.
I like the fact that some people are finally going back to the basics, Looks like a pretty solid and decent map.
so basically it's a ton of places you're not supposed to be able to go? I will download to check this out and see how well it's done. from the pictures it looks pretty cool and just a generally nice map.
this looks really good im getting tired of all the foundry maps i like how you incorporated all of the hard to get spots with weapons and what not good job!
looks like u did to many power weapons... remove some weapons and add some more COVER... looks like it would be fuin for a HUGE paprty of multi CTF if u didnt get lagged right out.... Or multi assualt but use more cover... it is a good idea tho... nice to momentarially get taken out of foundry lol...
Although I'm sure many of us appreciate a non-Foundry map from time to time, the problem is simply that it just looks like Last Resort with Fusion Coils. In the past, this was creative and fun; now, it's distracting and mediocre. However, it really stands out because it's not Foundry. And for that, I give you an applause, because not many people dare to even do non-DLC maps anymore.