If you Like these "Easter Eggs", I Found! Please Dowload, Comment or Post your Cool Looking Easter Eggs! My File Share- Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share I Have more Easter Eggs, But I thought These were the Coolest! "Note"- These are actually "Holiday Easter Eggs", When you Go to my File Share look for these Picture, and there Dates, because..There all are some type of Holiday! Happy Hunting! Vegas Assasin
Sorry to make you feel bad and stuff, but holy CRAP, are these things old. They have been discovered so long ago, and everyone knows about them. Not to be rude or mean or anything, but we all know these. Welcome to Forgehub.
on the wall on Valhalla where the pole is, on holidays, there is usually a picture of some kind that bungie puts in
These aren't exactly new, but they are pretty good. I don't think anyone put all of the holiday Easter Eggs messages in a thread before.