Well this is a Mini-game i just put together, and as this is my very first map post dont laugh at me. This is a Mario themed baseball map, so the team are red for Mario and green for Luigi (if thats how you spell his name.) ok so here are some of the sceen-shots. I know its a little rough around the edges you got to say that its ok for a first time map poster. Now heres the link to the map Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing and heres the link to the gametype Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing. I hope you like it. Also i dont know why but its making some of them small. how to play: you play it exactly like base ball, but you cannot go to the deststinations until someone hits the rockets with their grav hammer. 10 points to win 3points each destination 5 rounds 5 minutes each. If you dont understand the map please send a message to me(my gamertag is the same thing as my username on forgehub). Im sorry but it wont let me put bigger picures in this one idk why so i have just removed the pictures
You can't see much from the pictures, could you please get some more? Nice use of the team's colors =).
Luigi is how u spell it. and u cant forget his partner in crime, mario. and please get this up to some better standards. more people will look at it and more people will dl it
Ok the best thing about this map is that it's original. i have never seen a mario based baseball map on halo 3 before which is good.....BUT from those pictures you have put up the map doesn't look very interesting put up some action pics so i can see how this map works overall 2.5/5 good try for a first post and nice colour choice Red for Mario's team and Green for Luigi's team smart
Once again, You rated a map without downloading it, STOP!! This is becoming serious now, This is the 2nd time, Read the rules at this thread:http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/30-read-before-posting.html Please read EVERYTHING that is where that thread take's you. Or else I will keep on reporting you. Once again, Reported.