I wanted to attempt making a series of emoticons with The Monitor. Below is a pic of the first attempt at it's basic image. i would like feedback on what i should change (if anything) and suggestions on how to make it "emote". Starting Image: Floating Spark Test: Angry Spark: Below is a list of emotions either i have come up with; or, has been suggested by others. If anyone has a better suggestions or ideas for new emotions/fun stuff, please post it. Thanks! Wink: I should be able to make the center light (eye) wink. Angry: The center light (eye) will turn red, Spark will shake around, with steam coming out top. Blush: Eye will turn pink, Spark will either look down or back away slightly. Smile: Cheesy grin *poofs* into view in front of Spark Sad: Rain cloud will form over Spark and pour down on him, maybe sheds a tear. Laugh: Shakes a little, looking up and down, with "lol" or haha" text popping around Confused: Question mark will appear over Spark, the spark will start to shake, then explode Suspicious: Narrows eye and glares at you. Fun Stuff: Anything neat like shooting lasers, spawning a rubber duckie, whistling, spawning sunglasses and putting them on, "girl" Spark with pink bow, exploding Spark, yes/no nods,... whatever else you guys think of. One last question: Is there a standard size that an emoticon should be? Right now, it is the same size as the squirrels, but if i can go any larger, then i can do more. Please let me know if there is a standard or protocol. Thanks *Edit* I changed the image to a .PNG with a transparent background per feedback.
Wow, thats pretty cool. I don't have any ideas really.. but I would like to now how you made that. (noob question)
Lol, "smilie" I can only assume how hard it is to work with such restrictions, but it looks pretty bland right now. What does that mean when I post that? I'm interested in the ones that convey actual emotions. Can you give it an animation like some of the squirrels?
I'm quite the novice with Photoshop. Do you mean i should have just the checker-board pattern that is left when removng the currently white background?
Well, if you read my post... lol... silly drunk. Yes, i will attempt to animate it. This is just the initial Monitor image that will be turned into animated icons. I just wanted feedback on anything that needs to be changed before spending time doing all the animation.
cool idea old man... i like. you should definitely animate them, and yes, make the image in photoshop have transparent background (the checkerboard thingy)
Thanks for the feedback guys. I just updated the original post with a .PNG version with a transparent background. I will also be updating an emotion list based on feedback. If anyone has any animation skills, and would like to help, i welcome the assistance.
Dunno about this one but for smile you could have a big cheesey cartoon grin popping up just below the eye. lol
For smile you could have like a sun come up behind him or something...not the best idea but hey. Laugh just make a bunch of "ha" and "haha"s appear all around his head while he tilts his face up and down.
Ok. Added the above ideas to the list. Also posted my first two tests. This is my first attempt at animation, so let me know what you think!
ITS GREATTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! spark smiley's FTW seriously though they are really good. and have him spawn a box and splatter someone with it cuz thats like what everyone does in forge. And like make a girl spark with a pink bow and have them like go next to each other (holding hands) someone think of something for suspicious...