oh lol you can get out but if you do during game play you'd have to have it mastered. Besides if you were playing a 3v3, etc, then you'd get mowed down before you could even make the jump/crouch. Otherwise about helix, great job dom I didn't find any distracting bumps or anything and the layout was creative. I usually don't find maps as nice as this one, other than paragon, that really make you feel outside of Foundry. I didn't have the chance to download this earlier, so I guess I have it now, and I'm going to keep it on my hardrive until I run out of room. I'll get back to you on what I think of the game play later today.
Helix by DomiBoy The map focuses around a large central structure from which the map derives its name. The Double Helix that dominates the central room makes the map feel very tall and height is an important thing on this map. You need to be aware of what is above and below you just as importantly as to players on your own level. The Double Helix is really nicely built. The ramps that make up the central column are very sharp and precise and the fence walls that make the two spiralling walkways and perfected interlocked and floated to ensure smooth and fluid movement up and down the Helix. It’s a shame that the top of the bridges are above the top level of the fence walls because it creates a slightly raised central platform that has to be jumped over or onto to progress. This is a chore rather than a useful gameplay mechanic. It is not a major problem though; considering the map in its current form with what is placed on the platform (more on weapons later) it actually helps in some ways. If an MLG version of the map was made it would probably be best to try and make this area flat for ease of use. The area surrounding the Helix and the two ‘base’ areas are, like the Double Helix, very nicely built and movement around the map is not hampered by any lips or bumps. The map is in this sense grenade friendly. The entrances and platforms surrounding the Helix work seamlessly with it. They engage the Helix at many different levels, through jumping or walking, that stop the Helix being a structure where you start at the bottom and run to the top. The entire Helix is accessible and this is a big plus for player movement and fun on the map. The teleporters leading across to the opposite side of the Helix are really nice touches but they do have one flaw. They face you towards the Helix and because of the proximity of two spawn points leave any player using the teleport vulnerable of being assassinated by a freshly spawned player. The receiver node should not be moved because the map ethos on player movement seems to be to direct them towards the central room and to say spin the nodes 180 degrees would be in contrast to this general trend. Moving the spawn points further back would be a much better option. On the subject of weapons, personally I prefer human weapons but I will not criticise you for using Covenant weapons because the map is Covenant themed it would be a silly and pointless thing to do. You do not however need three grenade types. Fire and Plasma grenades serve the exact same purpose and having both just makes extra hassle for players trying to swap back to Frag grenades. Top middle in its current state is also overpowered in my opinion; both in asymmetric and symmetric gametypes. The Overshield is well placed up there however the addition of both the Sentinel Beam (a weapon I consider overpowered in any situation) and the Flame Thrower are just simply too much. The turrets are also very powerful; they both have long lines of sight covering much of the centre room and its surrounding platforms. They can see the back walls of the base areas. As they are people using the turrets will easily rip to shreds anyone trying to make progress up the Double Helix and cover the higher exits of the bases. This would serve to potentially funnel players quite heavily and would be very detrimental to gameplay. It is an easy fix however and can be solved by just removing them or, if you wish to keep them, limiting their arc of fire. Another very personal touch here, I do not see a need for a Fuel Rod Gun in any competitive map. They are overpowered in any situation and on this map there are two. There is a reason Bungie did not place them in any of their maps. The rest of the weapons are nicely balanced against each other and would work well in a game. The gameplay does seem somewhat tailored more towards mid-long range fighting rather than close quarter combat. The spawning on this map is largely very good especially in CTF and FFA/Multi Team. You have made an interesting choice to use Neutral Start Points for most of the gametypes. I do worry that this will create a massive problem. For an example, I a playing a Team Slayer game and my team spawn in bottom Helix, the other team spawn in one of the higher base areas. The opposing team has instant access to a Fuel Rod Gun and immediate height advantage over my team. Easier access therefore to Sniper, Overshield and potentially the other Fuel Rod Gun if they are quick and organised whilst my team move to try and gain height as quickly as possible. This kind of situation would put one team at a massive disadvantage for the first minute and serves to put early weapon dominance down to chance rather than player skill. I think for the sake of competitiveness it is just better to spawn the two primary teams in opposite base areas to ensure fairness and nothing goes down to chance. I really like the setup for King Of The Hill. The hills are located top half of the helix, bottom half of the helix and the entire helix. This is a really good idea and draws everyone together into a melee that will be fought on all levels of the helix in an attempt to secure the entire hill. I think it will probably be a trademark gametype for the map as it will best use the beautiful Helix structure in terms of making it as central to the game as possible. There is a lot to like about this map. It does have its flaws and is not perfect but most of these issues are easily fixable. If some of the issues I have raised in this post were adjusted then as far as I am concerned this would be a great map. I SeNTiNeL I p.s. Forgehub and my Cookie settings did not agree for the first two versions of this post so this has been without a doubt the most fustrating post i have ever written lol. Not nice to lose a wall of text once yet alone twice..... Ah well its up now! Hope you like it
My ****ing goodness, that post was epic. I'll try and answer my qualms with some of the issues you've gotten out of it to the best of my ability, but I doubt my posts will be as in depth as yours was. Was it really that much of a chore to jump over the slight bump? I could merge them a bit in the next version, yes, but I rather like the fact that you can't simply stroll over to the overshield for not many specific reasons. This is an easily fixable change to make, and reasonable at the same time. Through testing, though, I've never had the problem with spawn killing going on with those spawn points nor the teleporters in general, as the teleporters are moreover used as an escape route. I'll keep your changes in mind, but I'd like to keep the teleporters in the current state they are in as I prefer reappearing facing the Helix when going through the teleporter, just as most of the spawns do. I'll probably end up taking your advice. Yeah, every fire oriented weaponry is getting booted out, they don't help that much and I've actually noticed getting caught up switching through grenades but have never thought much of it. The sentinel beam doesn't hurt game play very badly at all, but it's really only there to match up with the whole "Forerunner" theme I've got going, so it will most likely be removed as well. I haven't had many issues with the turrets... at all. I made sure that their line of sight was limited enough for players to move freely so long as they were aware, and so that the turrets themselves were in open areas easily able to be attacked - corners of a very high area. I've got a few ideas going on how I could limit there site away from the back areas of each base (I was aware of this, just use the other entry way), but I don't see it as that big of an issue. I love having these in a map, they're the perfect base assault weapons and fit perfectly with the map's theme. They're balanced, they're less powerful than a Rocket Launcher and hold less ammunition as well; they're staying. I'll take care of this issue soon enough, I've never been very good with spawning details. Could you tell me exactly what game types this had happened in, mayhaps? I'm going to touch this up a bit, make it inescapable, etc. I'm also going to add another weapon layout, seeing as my default one doesn't pertain to everyone it seems. I thank you again for the outstanding post, Sentinel, and look forward to seeing more from you in the future.
The gametypes that seem will be affected by the Neutral Start Spawn points seems to be all the gametypes you have set up bar CTF. So Slayer, Oddball and KOTH. Hope that helps. I will be keen in viewing your new weapon layout version as i am sure it will be much more agreeable with me so long as the Fuel Rod Guns are not replaced by Rockets lol. Glad you liked the post, whats makes it worth doing
Slayer and CTF are the only Team Supported Game types Helix is set up for, the other three are strictly FFA. In any case, I'll take care of Slayer, I had no idea. Oh, and replacing them with rockets is a silly idea, come on man. I'll be replacing them with wraiths.
Thats what i wanted to hear! Wraiths are just what that maps needs I am honestly curious as to what you will replace the Fuel Rod Guns with though. Will be interesting to see when you post the new weapon version. Can you let me know when you update the thread for the new overall version, i would really like to go around and see if i like the changes. Im sure i will but you know its always nice to look at things in person.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Dom said that the Fuel Rods were staying. I don't mind them too much and can see his point about them being a better balanced base assault option. They also kinda add to this maps frantic feeling, so I wouldn't feel bad about them. Me and I SeNTiNeL I had long discussions about the top middle issue, and I was actually of the same mind as you Dom that its worth taking the effort of jumping up a little to gain the powerup/weapon. I think it would be a bad thing to have top middle to easily traversable and campable, it should be important but more of a thoroughfare than a very holdable position. We liked alot of the same things though, and whilst I had a bit more sympathy for your weapon choices, I look through a less competitive eye than my good chum so its each to his own I guess. We both liked the map alot though and the geometry itself was great. Movement seemed better than when I played this a while ago and overall fluidity was great, it felt nice and complete (as well as obviously looking very tasty, the forging skill and quality is really top notch). Nice to see a really frantic FFA map and I loved the double helix both in terms of design and implementation from the moment I saw and played this map. Your ladders also work really nicely which is surprisingly rare with the staircase/man-cannon arrangement. We like Dom, tres beau.
Dom did say a few posts up that he would be doing a different weapon layout version of the map for those who i guess do not really like the Covenant style so much. Which hopefully means no exploding green orbs of Doom launchers. So its not a replacement as such just a technical replacement on a differently weapon'd up version.
Pegasi, for once someone (sentinel) wrote something longer than you! (craps pants) And DomiBoy (Its so odd calling you that now), I remember seeing the basic helix a long time ago! Its really cool to see what you've built around the central concept. Sentinel makes KotH sound like a lot of fun, I'm going to have to try this shucka out.
In before necro-bump! I've updated the map and added the Human version you've been craving, I thank you again Sentinel for that fantastic review! I actually went back and checked your post as I was fixing up the new versions for things I might have missed, ha ha. So yeah, good stuff guys.
I think this i good stuff. The interlocking looks cool but finally, someone uses the freakin fuek rod gun. I love that weapon. This layout looks great. I like the spinning stairwell and the ladder,stair,lift thingy is pretty cool. My only complaint is that it lookspretty empty on the floor,cover wise. I think that the regular size barriers can make a difference, especially with attackers being higher up than you. all in all it is still a great map. good job 4.5/5
There is a lot to like about this map. It does have its flaws and is not perfect but most of these issues are easily fixable. Nice to see a really frantic FFA map and I loved the double helix both in terms of design and implementation from the moment I saw and played this map. Your ladders also work really nicely which is surprisingly rare with the staircase/man-cannon arrangement. "The turrets are also very powerful; they both have long lines of sight covering much of the centre room and its surrounding platforms. They can see the back walls of the base areas. As they are people using the turrets will easily rip to shreds anyone trying to make progress up the Double Helix and cover the higher exits of the bases. This would serve to potentially funnel players quite heavily and would be very detrimental to gameplay. It is an easy fix however and can be solved by just removing them or, if you wish to keep them, limiting their arc of fire." 5/5! =0 =) =0 =) =0 =)
You're an idiot, you just looked at Sntinel's post and summarized. I also know for a fact that you didn't download the map, as I've fixed all the things you copied from said user's post in the newer version. Way to boost post count, kid, try writing something yourself next time.
I remember seeing this map when you were first working on it. That was a long time ago. Great to see the finished map can’t wait to see what you added and how it plays. Looks great you did a fantastic job.
Very nice map 5/5. the gamplay looks like alot of fun. For aesthetics amazing, the sturcture is incredible, also the interlocking is amzing i really like the middle tower. Overall very nice map.
Well this actually turned out better than I expected from the pictures, actually alot better. The balance works well which was the one thing I was worried about, and the vertical cover works well and the equipment and weapon placement is balanced. So plays well and looks good but sadly lacks that uniqueness that I look for in competive maps. Cause as you yourself said everyone thought of this yet no one made it... Sad face... Should of made this before you. Great map 4.5/5. Sarge525
looks awesome to play! I have it in my file line for download, i am on vacation right now but when i get home i will give it a try! Looks very unique!
Really great map dude 5/5 looks great for slayer gametypes and really nice job on the pic of the aerial room.
Thanks for the feedback guys, but I'd appreciate more of it coming along fairly soon. Surely everyone doesn't think it's perfect as is, no one would change a thing?