ok for those of you that havent seen V1 you can see it here http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/33146-criss-crossfire.html This map is meant for 2v2 slayer or 1v1 only. Ok so many of you told me to make a lot of changes. So the changes i made really affected gameplay and even made gameplay way better. First change: the map is now inescapable. i added a top barrier so cheaters cant get out of the map. Second change: Sword? nope not anymore Tada now there is a mauler instead. Imade this change because people were sword whoring and that lead to many unfair games. Third change: New base style. The spawns are now lower because of the next change. Now you have a fencewall walkway around the fencebox center peice thyat spawns at start instead of 3 minutes into the game. that is why i changed the base structures because the way the bases were made it so you could get to the top very fast in about 2 seconds. Fourth change: No more invis. instead.... Spikers!!!!! Now for the 2 over view pics And now for the link Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Enjoy. oh and please rate and comment testers are needed for v3 so if you could help that would be great
i have to say i think i liked v1 more it looked better and the only real problem was that it was escapable and had sword and sniper next to eachother i think maulers agood change, but htere still within 3 seconds of eachother
Definately looks small... This looks very fun for 1 vs 1 and would be great (with its symmetricaltality) to prove skill and be fun! By the look of it though 2 vs 2 might be a little cramped. The map is just one room. Slayer might create spawntraps and CTF would be dull. The only thing 2 vs 2 that I could see is KOTH. That seems like it would crazy on this map so I will download and try it. I suggest adding other rooms branching out from the main courtyard to create places to respawn, multiple floors and interesting gameplay. Other than that the map looks good.
This map would definitly be good for 1 on 1 matches. Or maybe even team doubles Good Job I like the fence walls in the middle making cool sculptures
I would say the map itself is a 4/5. I really like the towers, the aesthetics are great, most interlocking and geo merging is done very well. I think the gamplay would go very well. Also nice making it symmetrical. Overall very fun
its way to small for my tastes, and there needs to be more fence walls on that middle thing, the gaps make it look sloppy
u traded in spikers for invis!?! that defeats and way of a person being able to set an ambush! (killing all the noobs that run straight for invis) and there is othing wrong with being a sword *****! what you should have done was make the sword harder to get to so the kills are kind of accutally earned.
well i'd have to say v1 was more aesthetically pleasing, but the swap for weapons is better and the gameplay is alittle better, but the spawns are inbalanced, so consider tooling that up a bit (both weapon spawns and respawns). But still a decent map.
V1 had a lot better aesthetics, maybe making the bases a bit more elaborate with some more cover in them, and messing around with the center of the map and making it flow better. Though its not a bad map 4/5
"I really like the towers, the aesthetics are great, most interlocking and geo merging is done very well. the spawns are inbalanced, so consider tooling that up a bit (both weapon spawns and respawns). its way to small for my tastes, and there needs to be more fence walls on that middle thing, the gaps make it look sloppy." Pretty good 4/5
i like the looks of things reminds me of i map i making... interlocking smooth... layout is nice... everyhting looks good... maybe a bit too small... idk about weapons... i will try n comment on the rest if more needs be said... dl 4/5
i think that this is a really nice map i t would suit one on one or maybe 2 on 2 but even then i think that the game play would be very good.
i just want to ask one thing how was v1 more aesthetically pleasing? the only major difference is the bases other than that i only changed weapon placements. and spawn killing on this map is very hard because to respawn points are all put in good cover from the sniper and the respawn points are spread out across the map. the spawn points i showed in the pics are the starting points not the respawn so people please stop saying that spawn killing is easy on the map. other than those comments i will be releasing V3 once i have had time to go through edit and re-edit the map. the base spawns will be more unique than they are right now so you will be surprised in this change im making.