Trying to rip my style eh lol? Its good, looks something like I would make just the border is too big and the pixels on the bottom is bigger than the one going vertically. Just add text, this has a lot of good places for it in the signature.
No, I wasnt trying to rip. I just think youre really goo dusing C4Ds. So, I really wanted you opinion. As for the border, the pixels on the bottom were meant to be bigger. And I felt text was not needed. Though, I will try adding it.
Smeagle did the border like that on purpose, but, it's really nice. Maybe blur the guys face/hair a bit, other than that, I reckon it's great. EDIT: Yep, he did do it on pruppus.
Cookie you never support your reasonings... Try supporting your reasons "BECAUSE" it helps the person that made the thread get better at signature making.
the text is camoflauged against the c4d. I can't quite see it. I suggest adding a glow to it so it stands out.
Sorry Zero, I never saved the psd..... And there is a glow on the text. Enough to actually separate it from the render.