Why does everyone love recon for? Just asking, because everyone goes crazy about it. If the hayabusa helmet was the one not released for the public, everyone would go for that. But I just wanted to ask =] And this is just a picture of the armor :
I know ! I mean it doesn't even look that good! I think its because it's pretty rare .. And you need to do something for bungie to get it am i right?
Please don't tell me you made this thread because of me. I preferably don't like recon myself. There should be an update that includes more armor permutation's but I doubt that is possible since Bungie said it is not going to happen. Otherwise I think Rogue and Scout armors are the best in my opinion.
Saying it looks bad doesn't get you any more popular. I think Marathon looks like garbage, but people still like it, so maybe I am wrong. I think recon is smooth and slick looking, which is why I would want it, not because it is "rare" (notice how it isn't that rare anymore?) If I was going for rare, I would be going for flaming head...
well it's all about material possession. A majority of our Halo community doesn't have Recon helm only making it that much more fulfilling to own it. They don't have = making them want it more. If they did have it, it would just be like owning the standard issue Mark IV or w.e no big deal it's just the thought of owning a high in demand piece of armor.
Yea, pretty much, since people don't have it, they want it. I think it looks really cool, probably the best out of all of it but that may too be influence based on the fact that very few people have it.
I wonder the same thing. I think its just because its so exclusive, that everyone wants to be in that select few who have it, so they can brag to everybody about it.
Yeah... It follows somewhat along the lines of elitism. If you have it, you will be better than others. (that is what some people believe but not me) I think it is a bunch of animated pixels that bungie uses to hold above everyone elses heads and say "Haha we are the best because we have recon" Honestly, I think the coolest armor is Marathon/Security. I agree though... Nubs need to chill over Recon.
Yes, basically people want this armor because it is rare. If recon was a regular armor and mark V was the rare one everyone would go for that lol The only thing i really like about recon is the shoulders
Supply and demand my friend, supply and demand. Bungie does not give it out often, therefore more people want it to be special!
Don't get me wrong, recon looks amazing but I agree on the fact that in is over rated, completely pointless and even if you get it, your message box would be spammed with little kids asking for it. To avoid this everybody who has it doesn't where it in fear that anybody he shows it to will take a picture on his Bungie.net service record and post it on FH. Just like what happened to Saergent Sarcasm. I know 2 people that have recon that I play with regularly. It is not that amazing. The only time its useful is when somebody takes cool recon screenshots in campainm with it on and when somebody takes recon gameplay pics on their map and then post the map so people can be stunned evan when the map isn't that good.
I want recon because I'm compulsive like that - I want the full set. Once I finally unlocked Marathon (****ing two for one achievement) I only needed Recon. Still do.
No,no,no, You have it all wrong. You have to message this guy to get it. In fact, if you want to know anything, just message him.
Really the only people when it first came out that wanted it was those little kids like on bungie.net people only join Shishka's group because they think he'll give them recon. Recon does look nice but I really don't care. Think people bungies doing this to make fun of us they could care less for the people that want recon they should just have a protest and not play Halo until they give it to you.
really people want it because they don't have it, its only human nature i don't care if i have it or not im plenty happy with the ODST helmet
dude security and EOD ftw. its because ppl cant have it and there spoiled brats that get everything they want. personally i think the should give away flaming body piece instead, i hate recon and the hyabusa(except for bodypiece).