Best of 9/11 rememberence Sig "contest". (Looks at Mine) All you have to do is send me a message or post your 9/11 Sig. And the winner will wear a optional sig for winning the contest and +rep! I will be judging, and make a new post for the resualts. ^ These are the scores : /10:Looks /5:Effort /5:Text The Final Score Is /20. !Now Start! THIS ENDS 9/13/08 THIS HAS ENDED, LOOK AT RESAULTS! Okay, here are the posts so far : This is mine This is Jessica's This is ssMR_47ss's This is Makisupa's DISQUALIFIED(offensive) Eguitar Player's
That sig looks really awesome, I would try to make one except I am not really the best sig maker around.
How exactly is this being a rep *****? Back to topic, alright, I'll give it a shot, don't expect anything good however.
Okay, post before 5pm tomorraw. ______________________________________________ This is a add-on from the top This is the sig you will get if you win. You will get the code, this is optional. Post Now! Here it is : If you steal, and I find out, REPORT
Sharpshooter, ur +rep will make other people's rep go down because you have negative rep. Also, try not to make anything too racist or prejudiced.
Free Game 7 years is the official limit on the anti-comedy referendum regarding 9/11. I would have never displayed an image like this before Thursday, but 7 years is up and it's time to smile! P.S. - I understand the seriousness and true tragedy of September 11th, but seeing a bunch of sigs with exploding buildings could be construed as offensive as well. I think it's time to lighten up about it a little.